
    • Gold Top Dog


    Does anyone have a Beauceron or know much about them?  I've been researching them online, but I'd like to talk to someone who has actually had the breed or has worked with the breed before. 
    I'm also looking for a breeder in the MO or IL region.  I know these dogs are pretty rare here in the US, so breeders will be difficult to find, especially in this region.  So far I've only found one, but I'd like to visit a few others before deciding on a breeder.  Thanks for any help!
    • Gold Top Dog
    No one for the Beaucerons?  LOL!  [:)]  Any info at all would be appreciated.  I'm seriously thinking about taking a trip to California to meet a breeder.  She seems like a great person and her dogs look absolutely gorgeous in the photos.  What do you guys think?  Would you make that big of a trip (from MO to CA) to meet a breeder?  Or am I going overboard...? 
    • Gold Top Dog
    The only beaceron breeder I know of and  I trust her to produce sound dogs with a good guarentee is Debbie Skinner in CA.
    • Gold Top Dog
    That's actually the one I was planning on visiting!  I was hoping that I could find someone that new of her (or possibly another breeder), so that I wouldn't have to make the trip there.  Gas is quite expensive, and I'm not much of a flyer...  [&:]  But I definitely want to make sure of what I am getting.  Have you ever actually visited her kennel or been around her dogs?  If you have any more information about her, her dogs, or her kennel, I'd love to hear.  Thanks!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I am aware of Debbie via the breed club for malinois.  She has a good reputation with the Malinois and then expanded to Beaucerons.  I have not met her in person nor seen her place. A bit far for a day trip,,,
    • Gold Top Dog
    Thank you for the information.  [:)]  If you do happen to know anyone that has been to her kennel, send them my way.  She seemed very nice when I talked to her, and her dogs look very well cared for in the pictures, as well as having good information on the breed.  I'd like to know everything I can, though, and its kind of tough to do that without actually seeing a kennel or a person.  I'd really rather not have to drive for hours and hours and hours and spend all that money on gas (when I could, instead, buy cool toys for the puppy....LOL!).  [;)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    We actually used to have someone here with Beaucerons...2 I think. But I'll be darned if I can recall their username.
    • Gold Top Dog
    One member of the board is likely to know reputable breeders (and being in Cincinnati it is a bit more "local")  PACleader aka Mick
    • Gold Top Dog
    I *Think* I knew a dog bred by Debby Skinner (Can't remember the name) who did a lot of local dog events here in Dallas- big pretty blue merle (I think they call it harlequin, though?) girl. She was lovely! Awesome temperament, great drive, and lots of fun.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Thanks, guys!  :)  I'm glad to hear that she's a good one.  I'm filling out her puppy questionnaire right now.  I may still end up going to visit, but I may not have to now.