the 'canis panther'

    • Gold Top Dog
    Mals, IMO, are better and more suited to bitework than the majority of GSDs.

    What makes you think that?
    • Gold Top Dog
    The MAJORITY-from watching (and helping to train) ringsport, schutzund...etc. I've found that mals are a tad drivier, have a firmer bite, and will hold on till death. That is NOT to say that there are GSDs that are better.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I dunno, I've seen a lot more Mals fly off the grip than GSDs xD (just a joke there).
    I think it also depends if you've seen more showlines working, or working lines working
    • Gold Top Dog
    I know this breed specifically wouldn't be flagged by insurance companies, but it seems like anything that looks remotely like an APBT will be flagged as one, which is kind of what I think would happen if someone had this dog.  The woman who lives in the apartment across from me has a Staffordshire bull terrier, but she is being made to move out because APBTs are not allowed (because of insurance reasons), and apparently this dog is what they consider a "pit bull," even though it is not.  [:@]  It's the same thing everywhere around here...  If your dog resembles an APBT whatsoever, it automatically is one, and you have problems.  Even if you can prove that it IS NOT an APBT by showing them papers, it doesn't seem to make a difference.  I think its horrible that breeds are stereotyped like that so much.  By the way, I have absolutely nothing against APBTs.  Just wanted to make sure I didn't come across that way.   
    • Gold Top Dog
    our local police units have all been gradually switching over from GSD to malinois.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: mudpuppy

    our local police units have all been gradually switching over from GSD to malinois.

    They police are finding it harder and harder to find GSDs with a proper tempermant. One of the reasons I LOOOOVVVEEE breeds like English shepherds, belgian malinois, border collies...etc. is because we decided to keep them working dogs and tend to frown down upon conformation breeders. Unlike the "average" tempermented GSD, an average tempermented mal will keep fighting after it's been wounded, run till death u ntil they find the suspect...etc. Not saying, again, that there are a few select GSDs that can whoop a mal silly. I also find, unlike the above stated, also from personal experience, that it can be difficult to get your mal to spit out the suspect! I have a mally my self, and he NEVER even in training spit out the sleeve to early.

    Pictures of Knox:

    • Gold Top Dog
    I've heard that good mals are cheaper and easier to find than the GSDs, too.  I know there are some great GSDs out there, but it does seem like the good ones are very hard to come by, and when you find one, they're very expensive.  Not saying that mals are "cheap," of course, but they are just one of those lucky breeds that haven't been ruined.  Yet, anyway...   
    • Gold Top Dog
    I know there are some great GSDs out there, but it does seem like the good ones are very hard to come by, and when you find one, they're very expensive.

    They are hard to come by.  Part of the problem is that SO many departments are still trying to import dogs.  There are a LOT of great breeders here in the states that are creating some kickass Patrol dogs, but people are in that mindset of "imports are better!"
    But...the breeders in Germany/Slovakia/Czech Republic are keeping the best dogs for their own patrol work (that's just plain smart).
    • Gold Top Dog
    I think the statement about the 'majority of malinois vs majority of GSDs' might be correct, actually, because GSDs have such a large problem with BYBs and mills compared to malinois.

    Still, not to say that GSDs aren't superior. :P

    I think the Canis Panther people are nuts, personally. Hasn't a hundred years of competition with GSDs proved pretty conclusively that too big = too bulky for effective protection work?
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: Pwca

    I think the statement about the 'majority of malinois vs majority of GSDs' might be correct, actually, because GSDs have such a large problem with BYBs and mills compared to malinois.

    Still, not to say that GSDs aren't superior. :P

    I think the Canis Panther people are nuts, personally. Hasn't a hundred years of competition with GSDs proved pretty conclusively that too big = too bulky for effective protection work?

    That's exactly what I meant when I said that "they are just one of those lucky breeds that haven't been ruined.  Yet, anyway..." (talking about Mals)
    I personally think that the breed looks really athletic.  I don't know how well they'd work because I've never seen one at all, let alone one doing any kind of protection work.  Seeing is believing for me.  [:)]   
    • Gold Top Dog
    I think the statement about the 'majority of malinois vs majority of GSDs' might be correct, actually, because GSDs have such a large problem with BYBs and mills compared to malinois.

    I agree as well.  I'm not so sure that a good Mal is cheaper and easier to find, but when you DO find a Mal, it will most likely be of decent quality at the least, because they are more rare and below the radar of the BYBs.  I see a lot of poorly bred GSDs and many many GSD mixes at our shelter, but I can't say I've ever seen a poorly bred Mal or a Mal mix.  I've only seen 4 Mals in person in my life and they were all gorgeous - two at an agility trial, one being trained as a service dog, and another a puppy in an advanced obedience class.  I've been looking into either a Mal or GSD for several years and last year I found what appeared to be a lovely purebred Mal in a shelter in upstate New York.  I was planning to drive all the way there and see him, but someone else snatched him up first!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Ok  I take offense at "conformation" breeders in malinois not doing right by their dogs...I own a "conformation" malinois... She has all the drive, courage and structure to do the job  and oh my gosh,,,, she actually has breed type.  I wonder if that is why the canine cops who invite us to training regularly like her so much.
    Sure there are "bad" dogs from conformation kennels... I assure you there are "bad" dogs from working kennels too.  If you really research the titles at both ends, you will find a great number of belgian folk compete in multiple venues,,, including conformation.
    MRV and Nora the Malinios on the way to a conformation show in MI this weekend. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    Actually mals are not below the radar screen,,, mores the pity... We are always frantically searching for resources to meet the needs of malinois rescue.  The cops who decide to breed and make money and end up with 6 month old kennel mals.  (that can be a scary beast let me tell you).  the breeders currently mixing pits and mals... There are others who think,, I am going to breed my mals and sell them as protection dogs... yeah right... we (ABMC) pick up the pieces.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: mrv

    Ok  I take offense at "conformation" breeders in malinois not doing right by their dogs...I own a "conformation" malinois... She has all the drive, courage and structure to do the job  and oh my gosh,,,, she actually has breed type.  I wonder if that is why the canine cops who invite us to training regularly like her so much.

    Sure there are "bad" dogs from conformation kennels... I assure you there are "bad" dogs from working kennels too.  If you really research the titles at both ends, you will find a great number of belgian folk compete in multiple venues,,, including conformation.

    MRV and Nora the Malinios on the way to a conformation show in MI this weekend. 

    Ok, I admit that was really thoughtless thing to say, BUT a lot of mal conformation breeders couldn't give a rats butt about working temperment, and there fore can ruin the breed.  I would rather breed for working capability RATHER than breeding for looks. Look at Knox's pics. Ever since her was a pup people would tell me that he'll amount to nothing (conformation wise) since he's a working dog, but he has perfect standards.
    • Gold Top Dog
    my comment was not appropriate, please excuse me.