Any Pug folks out there?

    • Silver

    Any Pug folks out there?

    I must admit, I've been a die-hard Cocker fan most of my life. Recently, the clinic I work in, there have been a ton of our Pug patients having their annual visits [this is my first year there so I'm still meeting everyone].  I am smitten!  They are so fun loving, sweet, funny little dogs. Snorting and grunting just like my Cockers always have, I have 1 Cocker now.  Only 1 of the Pugs was questionable on temperament and she was a rescued brood girl from a puppy mill.
    Any thoughts on these little guys? I've researched their health problems pretty well but I'm wondering what they're like at home, are they crazy in the house? Sedate? Are they as fun loving and trainable as they seem?  Inquiring minds would like to know.
    Thanks in advance!
    Kristen and Chip [vet tech and Cocker, in VA]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm really not a Pug person so much.  I love 'em and all, but I don't own any and I never have.  I don't see many of them around my neighborhood, either, so I don't really know what they're like.  Cute though!
    • Bronze
    I have never owned one, but there are tons of them in my complex. Most of them are owned by older women and they all seem calm...I have no idea what they're like in the house, but I'm guessing they must not be too much trouble or there wouldn't be so many older people with them. That is my guess anyway. [:)]
    • Puppy
    I have 2 pugs, Rosie and Molly.  Rosie is a live wire, sometimes getting where I'm going before I do!.  Molly is content to just lay there and watch us unless I'm  going to the cookie jar.  Rosie sleeps in a laundry basket until I'm asleep then sneaks under the covers on my bed[;)];  Molly prefers to sleep in her crate.  They are both pottie trained and never go outside without me. Pugs have personalities like 6yr old kids.  and they never get too old to love you.  You could not find a better I'll stop before I make you gag!!!
    • Gold Top Dog
    We have a 2 year old pug, Hailie Lyn.  She is a wonderful docile dog.  Pugs were breed to be companions to the Queens.  They ARE LAP dogs.  They are happy sleeping with you and stay in your bed all day.  My pug is really belongs to my 25 year old daughter who lives with us still.  We bought her for her 2 years ago, Hailie was the runt of the liter and she has very sweet face.  The only real health issue we had was her anal glands and had to have them removed.  A couple of ear and eye infections but that is to be expected with pugs.
    They are darling dogs right from puupy hood!  I would highly recommend a pug to anyone who wants an easy dog.  My biggest complaint of our little baby is she is a puss, she hates to go outside in the cool, rain and snow without us supervising to make sure she goes potty.[8|]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have an almost-two yr. old pug named Smudge.  He was my first ever small dog, and I will NEVER be without a pug from here on out!  He's a clown, a lover, a pillow, a furnace and a non-stop noise-maker.  LOL.    He's been perfectly healthy to date and adores everyone and everything he meets.  My niece has 2 yr. old twin boys and is considering getting one...Smudge is a tank yet so gentle at the same time.  Have I made you gag yet???!!!  LOL!

    • Silver
    Pugs are 100 percent adorable I love there cute winkles
    • Silver
    i have wanted a pug for YEARS and finally got one about a year ago.  her name is lola and it seems so fitting for her.  she is very snuggly, sweet and prissy.  the breeder that i got her from breeds show pugs, so she looks just like the akc standard...she is gorgeous!  perfect face and great tail...double curl!  she has a very friendly personality.  she may bark at first with visitors, but she is very quick to jump in their laps.  she truly is a lap dog.  she thinks that my purpose in life is to provide a lap for her to perch on!  i would recommend this breed.  she's low maintenance, except for the hair.  she does shed, a lot.  i found a shed terminator pill on and it has cut down her shedding a ton!
    • Puppy
    How funny - I also have a Pug named Lola!  My Lola is extremely hyper though. I also have her mother. Her mother was pretty hyper when younger too, but now that's she eight, she's finally calming down.   Pugs shed tremendously, and can be extremely stubborn, but they love people and are always cheerful little optimists. They have a peculiar body odor not unlike hound breeds, but you get used to it, like their snorting and snoring.  Lola snorts much less than her mother does, but when she gets excited (an example is when I ride my horse) she gasps for breath and sounds as if she has emphysema!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Shedding IS an issue.  Pugs do shed year round, and amazing amounts considering that they're a short haired breed with no undercoat.  I was working on Smudge two days ago, and really he should be gone based upon how much hair I gathered up and threw out...I had enough for a pug puppy.  LOL! [:D]