Posted in pics, then saw the breed forum, What Breed is she?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Posted in pics, then saw the breed forum, What Breed is she?

    Sorry about the double post, ;posted first in pics then saw the "breed" forum, would really like to find a home for this sweet girl asap.
    "Sharlie" came up to play with Nina, Zoey & Lucy while we were across the road at the lake Friday afternoon.  Checked with neighbors and found someone who'd taken her in for a few nights (they said a truck pulled up last Tuesday and dropped her off in the vacant lot by the lake). The couple can't keep her, they are young college students from out of town and are renting, both are in school and working full time and while left alone in the house last week Sharlie chewed up everything, including the wooden banister of the staircase.  Landlord was not happy. I've called local vets and human society just to be sure no one has reported her missing.

    We've had her since Friday and she is such a gentle soul, is house trained (not one accident this weekend [:)]), toe nails are clipped, had an expensive collar on with no tag(?), she seems well fed, gets along great with everyone including N, Z & Lucy and is very gentle with Lily, my granddaughter.  She was definitely loved and around kids at some point. 

    She is still very much a puppy, (do not let her size fool you) she has teethe coming in, and has that puppy walk and playful disposition. By the look of her legs & feet (which are huge) she's got a lot more growing to do, it makes me wonder if that's not why she was dropped off. 

    I can't keep her and I would very much like to find a home for her. She will be the most awesome pet. and I gotta do it quick, she's jumped the fence twice and it's was only a matter of time before she gets i nthe road and gets hit by a car,  I'm having to keep her on a leash unless I'm out there with her. 

    She's such a pretty girl, any ideas what breed she is?

    • Gold Top Dog
    more pics

    • Gold Top Dog
    Looks like there could maybe be a little Saint Bernard in there.She sure is a pretty girl! I would help you out if i were a bit closer.Good luck! Thanks for giving her a chance!
    • Bronze
    She looks just like my mother-in-law's St. Bernard/misc. hunting dog mix. I mean, identical to him. She found a gigantic pregnant hunting dog on the road and brought her home. The mother ended up getting sick and having to be put down, but they kept one of the puppies and the vet said that most likely he's a St. Bernard/hound mix. He was as big as your stray is when he was a puppy and he is unbelievably big now. The vet speculated that he might have some redbone coonhound in him. I don't know. Maybe yours does to. She does look like him...
    Good luck finding a home for her. If you live in a rural area you should not have a problem. Out where I live everyone wants a big hound, but it can be hard finding someone who will treat them right.

    • Bronze
    Definitely has the look of Walkerhound or Foxhound mixed with something else.  A bit bulkier in the chest and body for a youth on the pure Walker and ears are shorter.  And hounds are very open minded when it comes to romance, and size doesn't matter to them at all...I wonder if the bulkier body could have some lab and that would also explain how the ears are set and shaped.  And labs do have somewhat larger paws relative to their overall size...
    • Gold Top Dog
    St. Bernard, Hound and a speckling of lab.  She's LOVELY...I wish we could take her, but we don't have a fence and it would be a LOOOONG ride to get her!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Does anyone else see Boxer or am I just overtired? I agree with the hound for sure.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Cute! She's probably some kind of Mastiff mixed with St. Bernard.