is anyone familiar with mountain curs?

i've come to the conclusion our mystery pups are mountain curs.  they have such strong prey drive it's crazy!  i can't seem to channel their prey drive into something different, but i'm trying.  anyone familiar with curs and what else they may be good at?  we probably will try them on squirrels but i would rather do something different.  i have another thread on them for ilps also.  the female i think may be good at agility.  my  male (who is mentioned in another breed guessing thread) MIGHT make a disc dog but i was thinking about weight pulling, too.  just wondered if anyone has any experience with curs?  can they be trained for something besides hunting?  thankfully we are a hunting/fishing family so we'll be able to make the pups happy, but when we found them dumped by the road we were not thinking "oh, here are some hunting dogs"[&:] we thought someone had dropped some mixed breed puppies[:@]