I have a mini-schnauzer named Pepper, purebred. AKC registered.[
] I have had her for 12 years...and the three years before that, my g-ma had her. She is almost 15. She was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. And she is in alot of pain...just to make the story short...we feel that putting her down will be the most humane thing to do. She's been to the vet many times and there isn't much left they can do for her. And the one or two things they can do, are extrememly expensive and will only buy her afew more months anyways. I will miss her alot.
But..we are looking at getting a mini-schnauzer puppy. We would *really* like to get one. We live in Montgomery, Alabama area and I am open to pretty much anything...breeder or rescue. We really want a puppy though, and not an adult. We have a pretty small budget. Looking for under 300 dollars. But really would like to stay in the 200 or less (if possible[
]) range. I have talked to DaneHaven (I am an active member over in the Horse Forum) and she did suggest putting this here.[
I am also open to other breeds, miniature schnauzers are just the breed our hearts love.[
] Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.
Edited To Add: I would also like to do some agility eventually with this puppy.[
And here is a pic of Pepper from about 1 1/2 yrs. ago.