Yes, but what is he?-- Updated!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yes, but what is he?-- Updated!

    My boyfriend's "sterile" peke, Venus, had a puppy last april, and his name is Zobby. He's the little man in front. As of now, he's about fifteen pounds. Zobby is also a stubborn, active little man, but that just might be his age. He is very smart and focuses on people really well. I spent a little while with him, and he was catching on to sit very quickly. He is really toy-driven.

    What we're wondering is, what is he? I mean, we can't know for sure, but any guesses are welcome.

    ETA: Zobby is now almost 16 months old, and weighs almost 30 pounds.

    Sorry for the size/quality of the pictures.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Maybe Jack Russell or Rat Terrier?  I thought about Boston, but if he were a Boston/Peke mix, he'd probably have a flatter face than he does.
    Any ideas what/who the Bitch was exposed to during her heat cycle?
    • Gold Top Dog
    You mean to tell us that the dog in front is a puppy of the dog behind him?

    If that's the case, I cannot help you because I cannot even locate the mother in his looks at all.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Wow - that goes to show how wrong we can be when guessing at mixed breeds! Only because you say the mom's a Peke, I can see Peke in those bowed front legs of his. As for the rest it's so hard to say... rat terrier, smooth collie, smooth fox terrier, I don't know... I guess you're looking for a smooth-coated dog with prick ears, a long thin muzzle, and bigger than a Pekinese - lots of dogs would fit that bill!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Yes, the Peke behind him in the picture is definately his mother. =P They don't look alike at all.
    They aren't sure what she was exposed to; she can be an escape artist, so it could be anything for miles.
    My guess was some kind of medium sized terrier, too, but it's rather impossible to tell. I'm not really expecting a definate answer, obviously. Just for fun. =P
    • Gold Top Dog
    I guess I've rescued enough that I didn't even blink when I read the post. Both dogs are black colored, small, domeheaded and bug eyed, and undershot in the jaw. If you look at the body type there are strong similarities there too. Be a judge and mentally shave all that hair off the female! [;)] Add some substance because he's male. That's the female.

    Now you are left with just a few characteristics:

    White spotting. This is a dominant trait. A dog with an all white body, mated to a solid black dog, can produce a dog with "Irish" marks like the pup. It depends on the genetics of the white. White pit bulls and terriers (JRTs, rat, fiest) have the right gene for this, as do hounds and all the collie type breeds, of course.

    Smooth coat. This is dominant also. This means the sire had to be a smooth coated dog since the peke cannot carry the smooth gene. Terriers also carry a "rough" gene for a bearded face which is dominant over both smooth and the peke's long coat. This means the chances are the pup would actually be a fuzzy face if his daddy were a jack. Hounds are homozygous for smooth coats. But only the smallest hounds would be implicated in this case. And only red and tri Beagles would produce a black puppy from a Peke - ee yellow is dominant. I'm now leaning towards a pit bull, collie, or BC (actually I'm already pretty sure, but I'm working this out anyway).

    Ears. More erect is incompletely dominant. I'm rejecting the hound now. Again, daddy is making his mark here. Mama's lighter weight ears are in evidence so they want to lift pretty high, but I think that they are sideways breaking ears like those of a pit bull terrier.

    What is very probable is that pup's daddy is a Heinz 57 with a good bit of APBT. There's some bone and heft too and of course some length of leg and moderation of the smoosh face.

    I once took in some pups as BCs that turned out to be BC crossed with, as far as I could guess, Cocker, Boson terrier, corgi, plus some other things.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I would definately guess one of the medium-sized, leggier terriers. I do see the resemblance to mom, especially in the eyes.
    • Bronze
    That's so funny, The puppy obviously looks like his daddy :)  Sure is a cutie though.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Updates in the first post. [:)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    [:-] a thirty pound dog came out of a peke!?!?!?

    did she have to have surgery or what?
    • Gold Top Dog
    He didn't start out that way. [;)

    Really though, no, she didn't have a c-section. They didn't even know she was knocked up. She was s'posed to be sterile. (I guess a few years ago, the vet they were going to said there was no point in getting her fixed because she couldn't have puppies anyway. One Zobby later, and she no longer has a reproductive system.)
    ETA: He's a very, very compact 30 pounds. Looking at him, I'd guess he was about 15-18 pounds, but he's super heavy for his size. He's really not much taller than his mama.
    • Gold Top Dog
    It's so funny..when you look at the mom in the first post...the expression and her teeth showing ...and look at  the next pic of the puppy..his mouth is exactly the same. ..and he has the same expression..
    So cute!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I had so never noticed that before. It's totally true. [:D] I think it's funny that both of them like to "hide" by laying on stuff the same color as themselves. (Venus likes to lay on the black sofas, while Zobby prefers to lounge on this cow-patterned blanket-- very cute.)
    • Gold Top Dog
    I am inclined to agree with JRT. Bostons have very compact bodies, so that's a good possibility as well. He has Mom's undershot jaw and bowed legs but, other than that, he's Daddy's boy all the way!.  hmmm...he's part Handsome Stranger![:D][:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    At one point I would have agreed with that, but if that were the case, how on earth would he weigh in at 30 pounds? [:D]