Here's a picture of my dog. I'm curious what breeds everyone might see in her. I'm pretty sure she at least has German Shephard, but other than that I'm stumped. She may just be a combination of things, who knows.[
] She's about 56 lbs, give or take a couple, and has blue spots on her tongue, which may or may not mean anything. She can be very submissive and fearful, and will only let a few certain people touch her. I think some of her issues may possibly come from a poorly bred Shephard (or Shephard mix) father. I think these traits are inherited, because many of her litter mates exhibit the same behavior. I have a pic of her mom also, which is the tan dog pictured below (and that's also my chi in the pic[
]). Anyway, let me know what you all think, I'm just curious.[8D] Here's hoping I can figure out how to post a picture...
Haha, I guess I can't. Anyone wanna help me out here?