
    • Gold Top Dog
    I just finished a commissioned painting of a papillon named Fritz.  He belonged to a fellow obedience club member. He was PTS a few weeks ago due to cancer. Its very sad, but in his short 5 years he sure was a happy little dog. They always seem to be smiling, even with thier eyes!

    Just thought I'd share with you fellow papillon lovers!
    • Silver
    hmm. no..but i do have some poms. ^^ they kinda look like the pap. I've always thought those little dog were adorable! They'd remind me of pomeranians...and you said not many have the pap? o.O? I had thought the same with pomeranians..but, getting on this site i've met quite a few owners that do have the little pom! x3
    • Bronze
    i don't have one but me and my mom want one. so maybe one day i will get one
    • Puppy
    Yes, aren't they great!!  Zippy and my Jack could be brothers, they look exactly alike!  Love the catches their expression so well.  My  little guy makes me smile everyday. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    My parents have one and my sister has one. 
    We grew up with Shepherds it is so odd to go to thier houses and they have these tiny dogs.
    But they are sweet kids!
    • Puppy
    Right now I have foru papillons. All litter mates. Omg I pull my hair out everyday keeping up with them. They are ajoy most of the time. haha. I will be preparing one of my males for competition obedience this year! I can not wait.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I've got two.

    Beau and Rose.  They're half siblings. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    I've got a Pap! [:D]
    She's currently 3.5 months old, and is hopefully a show prospect. Of course we won't know that until she's much older. She's a first for us in this breed, and she's giving us and our Mini's a run for our money. The Mini's aren't really sure what to make of her, and our Shih Tzu mix LOVES her.
    Her name is Tikkle!




    • Gold Top Dog
    I actually have been admiring papillons for some time. I think they are just beautiful. Can you guys give me any general information on pap personalities or anything like that? Maybe it's a breed to consider down the road.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I love to talk paps!  They're my favorite breed and you can ask around, once you get me started, it's hard to get me to stop.... lol
    They're overall a really friendly breed, very happy go lucky.  They're very affectionate and love to be with their people.  They're also very very very smart dogs.  They'll keep you on your toes as I'm sure others will agree with me.  Paps are also one of the more energetic and athletic toy breeds and are amazing at agility, obedience, rally, tracking, flyball... you name it! 
    Papillon Club of America has some wonderful information if you're interested in the breed at all- [link][/link] 
    If you have any questions I'd be more than happy to answer!  :D
    • Puppy

    Hi everyone!

    I have been looking through the forums and this is my first post. I really had to join in becuase I have a pap, he is 8mos old and a more busy boy I have never met.  We got him two months ago, he is a breed that my daughter really wanted. He has the most intelligent eyes and is so happy all of the time. I am really enjoying him and can't wait until we start agility training for him he'll be a natural. It's too hot here in georgia right now but soon we'll be in the back yard running and jumping and getting him real tired. I'm so glad we got him, and I look forward to more post of my new grandpup.


    • Gold Top Dog

     I am owned by a papillon. 

    He's a 4 year old rescue that's been with me for 2 and 1/2 years.  He's a big boy at 14 inches and 15 to 15.5 pounds but he's all papillon. 

    He's come a long way since I adopted him.  He had to be housetrained (that was fun) and taught about baths and grooming.  Tht big un-learns were that the toilet was NOT the water dish (easy, just remember to close the lid) and not to be terrified when the bathroom door was closed when he was in the bathroom. (not so easy but with patientce we conquered that). 

    I had to laugh when I was reading this post.  He was in the living room at the floor to ceiling windows barking his head off at the neighbor's house.  She's having her house painted so he's going to have a ball for a few days.  He's not a big barker and never barks when we're out walking.  If he stops and just stares I know that there is something I need to pay attention to.  AND we walk a lot.  This dog would walk 24/7 if he could convince me to do 

    Nemo is my 2nd papillon. 

    Caruso the happy - yappy - papillon was with me for almost 15 years. 

    I absolutely adore the breed. 

     Nemo on guard. 

    Nemo On Guard

    • Puppy


    I am so glad you mentioned housetraining because we are having soooooooooo much fun here. Just to give you a little history. My boy was originally purchased from a pet store when he was four months old then he was tied by his neck (no collar) to a closet door and was never taken outside. We got him two months ago and now even though we have good days (no accidents) more often than not he will come in from outside and still go. How long did it take for your pap to learn. I believe with love and patience he will eventually learn all that is necessary but I was just wondering if it is harder to train pap's or is it because of his history. I have two minature schnauzers and they are very easy to train. Besides potty training I am trying to teach him to not bark at the cats. He is a very lovable boy and is learning how to recieve and give love back. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks


    • Gold Top Dog

    Poor baby!  I bet he's glad to be away from that place.

    I'm not sure I can help much with the housetraining.  It took me about 3 weeks to feel comfortable leaving Nemo loose in the house.  Lots of "outside" and praise.  Now accidents are mostly my fault.  I either don't pay attention to his signals or leave him alone too long.  I say "mostly" because on occasion I notice he's hit the buffet leg and I'm pretty sure he's telling me he's ticked because I let another dog in the house. 

    My biggest problem when I adopted him was that noone could tell me what he was eating and he had had such a miserable week he probably didn't know waht was coming next. 

    *turned over to a rescue group on Sunday

    *shuffled between foster homes and finally put in a cage outside with beagle puppies

    *vet checked and neutered on Wednesday

    *returned to the beagle puppies

    *listed on on Thursday

    *adopted by me on Friday

    I'm sure the poor fellow's head was spinning and needless to say the sudden change in diet didn't help.  Once we got through that, thing progressed nicely.  I used belly bands for quite a while - and still do on occasion - when he goes to someone else's house.  I use them more as a reminder than anything because he's never wet one except when I've forgotten to take it off before we went 

    As for the barking, good luck.  I'm not convinced you can totally change that. 

    I hope your new pap brings you as much joy as Nemo has to me. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am looking to add another dog to my family and was going to get another doxie but I am also considering a papillion. Are they real high strung? They are beautiful dogs!