Posted : 9/18/2006 9:55:16 AM
What a photo Diane perfect stance(if thats what you say in doggy world)!!!shes just gorgeous.
I m not planning to do hunting with jazzie but would really like to show him and do some obedience shows too,he learns very quickly but because of his age he tends to loose his concentration very very quickly, at the moment i am doing about an hour a day, its very tiring for me and him im exhausted afterwards!!!!We take him once a week to classes which is very good as he gets to get aquainted with other dogs and his best friend there is a st bernard who is the same age as him and has been going since day one she gets very upset when he gets a telling off as though to say "dont tell my mate off" its quite funny to see.
I had a cocker spaniel for fourteen years he was a sweetie too but sadly had a heartattack, i was devastated when he died and couldnt ever imagine loving another, but two yrs later i decided it was long enough and i was over my grief(took me a long long time)to get a totally different breed and one who i could give lots of time to which as you know pointers need loads of attention, went on the kennel club site and found the breeder in Telford went to see him at three wks old fell in love and bought him and picked him up at eight wks old.
He has been excellent from the day we had him although i do give him my undivided attention most of the time and my boyfriend does who before we had him was not a dog lover but know well thats all changed he loves him as much as i do.
Anyway have to go as he is sitting beside me looking at me and i know what he s thinking "time for the park"
take care claire & jazzie x