bichon frise owners!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    bichon frise owners!!!

    I just wanted to know how many people have a bichon frise on this board. I love this breed so much! Jetta is my female 2 1/2 year old bichon.  I do have some questions though...
    *How much does your bichon weigh? Jetta is15 pounds and does not look overweight, but the AKC thing says they should be no more than 12 pounds. I wonder is she does need to lose some weight...
    * Does your bichon have allergies?? Jetta is always itchy. I am open to any methods of treatment you have.
    *How do you keep its teeth clean? I know that bichons are prone to tartar buildup. No matter how many times a week i brush them, her back teeth still have yellow junk on them....
    Sorry i don't have any pics of her.... no digitil camera at the moment!!
    • Puppy
    My Bichon hovers between 19-21 lbs.  He towers over the other Bichons I've seen.  Bailey does not look overweight at all.  In fact, he looks skinny when I bathe him.  He is just rock solid, big chested guy.
    • Puppy
    My Bichon Tipper is 7 1/2 pounds. She is VERY tiny!! I talked with the vet today about her weight and he said Bichons need to be in shape or else they develop knee problems. Its all because they have a long spine and jumping up and down can hurt them.
    The only medical issues with my dog is with her ears. Every now and then she will scratch them so hard she with yelp. I just leave my dog's teeth alone. THere isn't much I can do about it so I just let her be. Since Tipper was the runt of the litter she has an under bite. So I can't brush them!
    • Puppy
    I have two male bichons. They are from the same litter. They are two years and 4 mos old. They couldn't be more opposite. Chas is the large one. He has extremely nappy hair. He weighs 16.8 lbs. Jasper is the small one. He weighs 14 lbs. He has curly to wavy hair. According to the AKC breed standards they fall within the appropriate height. Chas is at the acceptable max. height of 11.5' and Jasper is at 10.5' with the lowest acceptable height of 9.5". Chas is the baby, or I should say my baby. He is always at my feet. He has separation anxiety but he has been much better about it recently. He is very muscular and sturdy. He almost sounds like he can talk. He makes a sound that sounds like "outside" when he has to go potty. He mimics my words. He knows food, water, play me (play with me), outside (the most human sounding), and hug. He gets extremely jealous if I am talking to anyone on the phone other than my family. He will start making certain noises on general calls and he really gets upset when I talk to my boyfriend. Jasper is the independent one. He likes to play with toys. He claims the one he likes best. He and I have two talks a day. He will come to where I am and start his little show. He sits on his hind legs and his front legs start to move up and down together. This action has a name but I cannnot recall it now. It is not begging. Then he will make a gutteral little growl to get my attention. I will turn in to the bark of a big dog if I ignore him. I will say, "Do you want to talk?" and then it begins. He will tell me all about it, from soft wimpers to high pitched barks. It is really like he is telling me something. I'll ask him if we are done yet. He will stop, sit down, and wag his beautiful tail. Or he wil give three good barks and kind of move his head in a circle, like a nod and a shake side-to-side combined. Then we will continue talking until he is done with his update. Both are very in tune with my emotions and well being. They automatically know if I hurt somewhere, like a broken toe, or stomach ache, or even a bruise. Their emotions tend to mimic mine. They are very concerned if I cry. They will come to me and sit by me or at my feet and look as concerned as anyone could. We have two bichon blitzes a day at the minimum. They are the best dogs ever. They are well trained. Always ready to learn something new. They are the happiest dogs I have ever known. They are friendly with everyone. Except Chas, and that is only if he senses danger from someone. One day my sister came over and she was mad about something and started yelling. Chas got between us and growled at her. I was so proud of him, my little protector. Another day she came over and was sitting on the sofa with the boys (Chas and Jasper). When I came back she said, "You will not believe what Chas just did?" She had a shocked look on her face. He had cranked his leg and peed on her. LOL. I don't think he cares for her much. Jasper just loves everyone. Too much I think sometimes. Well anyway, I could talk about them forever. LuvUm