All About Kangal Dog

    • Puppy

    All About Kangal Dog

    Kangal dog is also known as Turkish Kangal or Sivas Kangal. This dog was known as a guardian dog from an ancient times.

    All About Kangal Dog In India

    Kangal dog is a giant pure breed whose life span is 12-15 years. His temperament is alert, calm, sensitive, patient and self controlled.

    Height of male Kangal is about 30-32 inches and female Kangal is about 28-30 inches. His coat comes in black, cream and gray colour.

    Kangal is a very rare dog in India. Thus, Kangal dog price is very high. Kangal dog price depends on factors like place of buying, location, quality, etc. Kangal is 60,000 - 70,000 according to

    Kangal is apartment friendly or not:

    No, Kangal is not apartment friendly. Kangal breed is known for guardian dog of livestock. So, they loves to run, swim and other activity.

    • Puppy


    • Puppy

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