So what do you think she is?

    • Gold Top Dog

    So what do you think she is?

    My mother got us the Wisdom Panel test for Christmas. We just sent it off and now that I'm back I thought it's fun to play "guess the breed" before we get the results.

    Just a couple things to note: She is only 50 pounds and measures about 20.25" tall at the withers. She seems much larger in photos!








    • Gold Top Dog
    I am guessing she is part lovely and part beautiful, lol! You know I have such a fondness for Dahlia and her beautiful brown eyes. I am going to guess she might have some Lab, like by Rocky cause the face looks so much alike, maybe some Flat coat retriever? You know I am no good at guessing except she took my heart the first time I saw her like my Rocky boy. Her hair and her tail remind me of Hot's hair and tail but she doesn't have much white on her so I wouldn't imagine there is any Berner there. That 4th pic...thud... she is a pretty girl.
    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    This is one of my favorite things, guessing a breed. Flat coated retriever, a touch of Austrailian Shepherd, I need to consult a book or 2 but those are two guesses for now.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I never guess on mixes.  I'm terrible at it and so many  possible combinations make it tough. Now that I've read some recent articles on the genetics of domestic dogs, it's obvious that breed guesses and DNA results can be very confusing.  This is a long article but fascinating info if you're into that kind of thing.

    Dahlia is looking beautiful  as always. :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm totally into that type of thing so thanks for the link!

    I really am bad at guessing breeds too unless it's REALLY obvious what's in the mix. But I figure it would be fun. I wasn't ever going to bother with the Wisdom Panel thing but my mother got it for us, so I figured why not?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I was going to say something silly like, "Well it's obvious she's a Shiny, Beautiful, Pretty-eyed Black Dog!"  But Ginger beat me to it!

    I'm terrible at breed mix guesses, too -- except when a dog has a very specific look like an English Bulldog or something.  We've talked about doing one of those tests for Ruby.  Even though I know they're not truly accurate, I think it would be funny just to see what it said.  We swear she has Greyhound in her because of the way she runs at top speed.  We also think she's got some kind of bird-dog breed in there, because she will stop and stare at a bird, hunker down a bit, and lift one front paw and stand totally still before running to it.

    Anyway, I'll be eager to hear what you find out.  Keep us posted!