What kind of dog is my rescue pup?

    • Bronze

    What kind of dog is my rescue pup?

    I rescued my puppy Charlie when he was about 2 months old, and he is now about 6 months. He is a sweet cuddle bug but also has bursts of energy! He is definitely a quick learner and the only problem I have had with him is his obsession with food--even just his puppy food! If he thinks he is about to be fed or can sneak a treat I lose his attention completely. 

    The humane society did not know his breed as he was a stray puppy. Just curious as to what breed(s) everyone sees in him for fun! Size wise he is 32lbs, about 20" at the shoulder, 25" at the top of his head, and 33" from the base of his tail to his nose. It is hard to measure an energetic puppy so these may be slightly off.
    • Gold Top Dog

    i recon there is some collie in there from the looks and coloring, maybe a bit of labrador as well. he is very cute and handsome whatever breed he is :)

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree with Barley, lab and collie. Very cute pup. Rescue dogs can sometimes be obsessed with food. If he is loosing focus when you bring a treat into the mix try just using praise. Maybe increase his food a  little. He should eventually get over the food obsession. Keep the pics coming and remember we are here for you with questions and issues.