What breed is Bruno?

    • Puppy

    What breed is Bruno?

    Hi, I rehomed Bruno when he was 5 months old and was told he was a staffordshire bull terrier, as he has grown (almost 1 now) he looks less like that breed. My vet took a guess at staffy/pitbull mix, i am wondering if anyone has any other suggestions? Via instagram earlier tonight, a black mouth cur was mentioned but looking into that they don't seem to be a UK breed and a lot of people say it isn't an official breed.....

    Any suggestions would be great :)

    Also aware he may be a 'heinz variety' mongrel, either way......he's a menace!!haha


    • Gold Top Dog

    I've no idea what mix of breeds he might be but he is very handsome with a dash of adorable. :)

    • Silver

    Looks like a pit bull mix to me. I can kind of see black mouth cur, but as far as I know a cur does have pit bull because they are mixed breed dogs anyway. I definitely don't see staffordshire bull terrier lol. I say that because Amstaff and staffordshire bull terriers are fairly thick dogs. True American Pit Bull Terriers are very lean dogs, looking more like your dog. Now, mixes can look like anything, so the possibilities are endless. But that is the cool thing about having a mutt is never really knowing what they are.

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    Hi very nice pup, there may be a hint of Rhodesian Ridgeback in there too.