English Bulldog Puppies And Their Allergies

As we all know that English bulldog puppies are very popular breed all over the world for their cute, attractive looks and brave nature. They are the most adorable and loyal pet for any family, hence loved by many pet lovers. They are friendly, happy, playful and loving pets. The dogs have tough, muscular body with folded loss skin, big round eyes and pushed in nose. Besides being very attractive and cute, they are also popular for their allergies. The body of bulldog puppies is very sensitive and prone to health problems. They easily get skin and respiratory allergies. These allergies can be external or internal but it is very important to treat them properly to avoid serious problems.

The most common allergies which are found in English bulldog puppies are skin allergies. These allergies can occur due to environment change or any external infection. Therefore it is always recommended to take care of cleanliness of the puppies properly so as to avoid these kinds of allergies. The skin of the breed is folded so if not cleaned properly it will cause infection and leads to inflammation. The allergies related to respiration are mostly genetic and acquired by the parents. So it is always recommended that when you are looking for English bulldog puppies for sale then always purchase form the reputable breeders and check the health standers. The allergies can be easily cured in early stage but become serious problem if not cured. There are few common allergies faced by the breed are:

Atopic Dermatitis: It is the common skin allergies faced by the English bulldog puppies. The symptoms are itching, excessive licking, ears become red, body color on the abdomen become pink, red or dark. Some time body parts show inflammation and reddishness. The skin allergies can occur due to the delicate skin, hypersensitivity, dust etc.

Inhalant Allergy: The allergy is related to respiration when pet inhales dust, pollens or any other chemical leads to cause problem in breathing. The symptoms can be characterized by excess licking, sneezing, ear infection and cherry eye.

Bacterial Allergy: The allergy occurs due to the bacterial infection. The symptoms include loss of hairs in infected area. This can be cured with antibiotics.

These are the most common problems faced by English bulldog puppies and it is very important to address them properly. If you keep your puppy clean and continuously check his health status then it can help you to avoid many allergies.


Lincoln Taylor