What Breed Does My New Rescue Resemble?

    • Bronze

    What Breed Does My New Rescue Resemble?

    I recently rescued a puppy from a local shelter. The shelter had the dog taken to 2 veterinarians and I also took him to my own. Each doctor stated my new puppy was a completely different breed. Every time I take him to the pet store I explain the different breeds they think he may be and everyone else has even more opinions. I am asking those who truly know and love dogs to weigh in and let me know what you think!? Thank you so much for your input!
    He is estimated 4.5 months old, the top of his head stands just under 3 feet from the ground, and he is just under 50 lbs.
    Click the link below to view my public shutterfly account with Bentley's pictures.


    • Gold Top Dog

    What a beautiful fellow you have there!  My guess would be Pit/Pointer mix (there's something about his coat and build that reminds me of a Pointer). 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Aww I'd like to give him kisses all over his face! I totally agree, Pit/pointer!

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    He's adorable but at nearly 3 ft tall at 4.5 months I'm guessing Dane mix. He doesn't look that tall in the pictures though. My guess just looking at him would be American bulldog, he looks like one and at 50lbs he has the size for one. Or Dane/boxer mix if he is nearly 3 ft tall
    • Gold Top Dog

     My guess would be Great Dane x Pit Bull. Or maybe GD x American Bulldog?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hmmm.... I see  some short haired pointer, maybe some great dane, maybe some pit...... definately some pointer.

    • Gold Top Dog

    **jumping up and down** I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW!!

     Black & White Big Dog MIX!!!!!

    (mildly related to "Brown Dog Mix" "Black Dog Mix" "Tan dog Mix" "Small dog mix" "Big Ole Dog Mix";)

    *smile* -- I can promise you he's not part chihuahua nor maltese. 

    I gotta say I'm going to go with Dane+something. 

    He's a good looking boy for sure.  I'm not making bad fun -- everyone knows way better about breeds than I do, but I gotta say I see a LOT of dane in that boy.  And your counters better be well protected.  In fact, he could probably get in cupboards *I* can't reach even now!! LOL

    What did you name him?? He can come give me a kiss any time!!