Beagle/Treeing Walker Coonhound mix???

    • Silver

    Beagle/Treeing Walker Coonhound mix???

    In march we were given a Beagle named Max. The lady who gave him to us go thim form a pet store. his papers just say beagle,(he is not registered) but everyone that sees him says he is big for a Beagle. My mother in law thinks he is Basset/Beagle mix, and a man we never met before said he raises Beagles think he is Beagle/foxhound mix.... personally i see quite a resemblance in the Beagle/Treeing Walker Coonhound mix. just wondering what you guys think??? it really does not matter if he is all beagle or a mix of something...he is one terrific just curious...his head is very small compared to his body and his muzzle is very long and narrow. he is about 15-16 inches tall and weighs about 40 pounds. some pics
    • Gold Top Dog

    Looks like a beagle to me !!!


    Deb W.

    • Bronze

    I'm going to see if I can make clickable links for your pictures --

    Picture #1

    Picture #2

    Picture #3

    Picture #4

    I believe I do see something other than Beagle in his muzzle and head shape.  I don't see basset hound, but I could talk myself into either Foxhound or Treeing Walker.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I am absolutely no expert -- but what *I* see is a nice looking dog in a nice Sporn halter!!  Good luck!

    • Silver
    thanks so much for making the is one great dog no matter what he is mixed do not see basset at all
    • Gold Top Dog

    Looks like a beagle to me !!!

    Deb W.

    Me, too.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I would venture to say he is mixed with foxhound myself, but it could just be he doesn't conform much to beagle breed standard I guess. Whatever he is, he's REAL cute!!!