any clue on what this guy is?

    • Bronze

    any clue on what this guy is?

     Here is some pics of him..i think he has corgi in him but not sure what else?



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    • Bronze
    exceedingly cute! maybe aussie/corgi mix?
    • Gold Top Dog

    what does he weigh and how old? It actually looks to me, like a dwarfed version of some larger taller breed. Like almost an LGD look about the head and tail. Anatolian, Pyr, or Caucasian even. Very interesting. Brindle could come from the Cardigan Corgi...the one with the tail, but I don't think it's carried in the more familiar Pembroke. One of the parents was brindle or both carried's really the only way it'd express like that.

    It's possibly I suppose that he is just some type of farm dog mix, little BC little Corgi....little Pyr...little whatever else was hanging around. But it almost appears to me to be a larger breed or mix, afflicted with dwarfism.

    But a height and weight would be helpful to know :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    afflicted with dwarfism.

    Gina -- I'm NOT gonna let Luna read this -- Little Miss Saw'd Off Leggs herself!  She's get more of a complex than she's already got LOL

    My thot was aussie shepherd and corgi.

     Luna says you can run fast with short legs -- you just have to move them more! LOL


    • Gold Top Dog

    Gina -- I'm NOT gonna let Luna read this


    LOL. Hey, my own breed is a dwarfed version of the Foxhound so I certainly am not knocking it. But in breeds that exist NOW as a large long legged breed, dwarfism occurs and you get a dog that has the head and tail and often, torso of a normally size breed representitive, with shortened legs. Malemutes come to mind, It also occurs in Beagles. Very different looking.


    • Gold Top Dog

    LOL. Hey, my own breed is a dwarfed version of the Foxhound so I certainly am not knocking it.

    You'd be better off tellng me to tell her that the 7 Dwarfs are the true stars of Snow White!!  LOL

    Putting Luna in that 24" wagon the other night looked like Shaq driving a Smart Car.  IN fact, my girlfriend told me that 24" wagon was the Smart Car of  wagons.

     Tink just thot it was evil. 

    I'm just laughing -- sometimes short dogs are like short, feisty people (like me) -- over-compensation is my life LOL

    • Gold Top Dog

     Friends of ours have a short-legged dog that I swear is Bassett/St Bernard.  The dog looks like a St Bernard but with stubby legs.  This dog reminds me very  much of that dog. ETA: and yes, this dog is shaved on a regular basis.


    Dog on couch, not Kota. :D


    • Gold Top Dog

    exceedingly cute! maybe aussie/corgi mix?

    Just what I was thinking- on both counts.  Gina made a good point, tho- he could be a dwarf of a larger breed.

    • Gold Top Dog

     So Corgis have dwarfism? What would be the larger version? BTW, I love the dwarf aka Tootsie! Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    lol I get that about Daisy is she a dwarf or ( oh she's on of those designer breeds)most people can't believe she's 14, I'm like I don't I just know she's a mutt lmao. All I know is her mom was full dalmatian and the owner changed her story first she was with another dalmatian but then it was a a dachshund got to her. Each of her brother's and sister's all looked like dalmatians and some grew to have long legs and the other half grew to have short legs.

    I'm glad Daisy got the short legs she's different, I don't see much corgi other than the tail in that dog not sure what I see but he's a beauty :)

    • Gold Top Dog


     So Corgis have dwarfism? What would be the larger version? BTW, I love the dwarf aka Tootsie! Big Smile



     All corgis are dwarfs, there is no "larger versions" :)


     People see dwarf characteristics and assume the dog must be part corgi, doxie or basset but the truth is dwarfism can occur in most breeds. It's pretty common in Beagles, small Poodles, Bichons and Shih Tzus. I have seen at least one dwarf Cocker and a dwarf Golden. GSDs can have two types of dwarfism - skeletal (such as a corgi - long body, short legs, big head) or hormonal (proportional but remain puppy sized). Someone on another forum I'm on posted a picture of a dwarf Pyr. Patricia Trotter has a picture in her Born to Win book of a dwarf Elkhound which she had in one of her litters. I think there's a good chance that lot of non-dwarf breed mixes can carry the gene for dwarfism, just like many purebred, non-dwarf breeds can. So short legged, long bodied dogs don't necessarily mean Corgi, Doxie or Basset mix :)

    • Gold Top Dog
    I really don't see any corgi in him..... but he's really cute - whatever he is!

    I would guess more towards a cocker/shih tzu type mix