Breed awards ;)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Breed awards ;)

    I was thinking today about while all dogs are individuals, there are overall traits that are obviously breed specific. I decided to make a personal list of what I think certain breeds are typical of doing and wanted other's opinions and observations :) Only positive, non-demeaning things please (I.E,  "chihuahuas are yappy and Ambulls are mean" is not the goal of this. It's for fun and to make people smile about their breeds, not to put down or start debates.)


    Dog with all-around funniest antics - Jack Russell Terrier

     Calmest long-term snuggle buddies - American Pit Bull Terrier

    Dog with best smushies - Shar Pei

    Best body guard impression- German Shepherd

    Best singing voice- Beagle

    Chattiest dog for conversation- Rottweiler

     Best expressions- Pug and Boston Terrier

    Add to it! ;)





    • Gold Top Dog

    The one to mooch the last cookie outta ya with the "poor me" eyes: Lab's

    Best smiles: Boxers

    Great Cuddlers!: Great Danes

    • Gold Top Dog
    Best cotton ball impression: bichons! :)
    • Gold Top Dog

     Feel sorry for me eyes- Corgis :)

    Best cuddlers- Corgis

    Fluffy butts- Corgis


    Do you see a theme? Stick out tongue

    ETA: Her name on her obedience certificate is Miss Congeniality, go figure.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh I second Corgis for butt fluff, lol

    • Gold Top Dog
    Boingiest tails - Norwegian Elk Hounds. Google it! an old poster, Jeano, has one, and I walk one on occasion - their tails are SOSOSO curly, and when you straighten them out they BOING right back.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Meg. LOL. Creative and cute! I've met one before and you're right. They are sproingy boingy!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Boingiest tails - Norwegian Elk Hounds. Google it! an old poster, Jeano, has one, and I walk one on occasion - their tails are SOSOSO curly, and when you straighten them out they BOING right back.

    LOL  Yeah, they sure do have springs in their tails, don't they?

     The one to mooch the last cookie outta ya with the "poor me" eyes: Lab's

    No argument here.  They also get the "Let Me Pick That Up For You" award.