Trying to find breed of our "Merlin"

    • Bronze

    Trying to find breed of our "Merlin"

    Love to hear your ideas for Merlins breed? He is a brindle, 5 months old now and an animal shelter rescue {found wandering the streets at 12 weeks so no clue as to what he may be} Told he will be a nice size dog, over 50 pounds. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

    • Bronze

    Hi was interested in helping with your breed diagnosing but i don't know which picture is "merlin"?

    • Gold Top Dog

     I think Merlin is the pup in the avatar. No clue as to what hes mixed with, but very cute none the less!

    • Bronze

    Hi,sorry, yes,  Merlin is the picture in the avatar, trying to figure how to post a bigger pic here, but cant seem to...thanks!

    • Gold Top Dog

     You need to set up an account with a photo sharing site, like photobucket, and then you post the IMG coded one here :)

     From what I can see, I'd guess a pit-mix of some sort?  He's cute!! :)

    • Bronze

    thanks for the photobucket info!

    ...have so many people asking what he is and since i do not know, it makes it a bit awkward!

    • Gold Top Dog


    Couple 'a three breeds come to mind, 

    Based on the coloring, which is self masked fawn brindle...that is somewhat unusual since MOST of your typical brindles will show some masking in black on the muzzle and face. The Akita (Japanese type, Google "Brindle Akita" and you will find some that strongly resemble your dog in color and expression) 

    Secondly, the Pembroke Corgi...this mainly coming from what appears to be a smaller size overall, and the shape and placement of the ears..they also commonly come in brindle. Albeit darker, seldom self masked and seldom without an Irish Spotting pattern to the coat.

    Then there is also the Dutch Shepherd which you can also Google. Their brindle tends more towards the dark end of the spectrum, and they also tend to have a mask, but again the head type is similar.

    Brindle is one of those patterns where one parent has to have been brindle, or both CARRYING it for it to present. The lack of a mask is really unique and not often seen. Interesting dog.


    • Bronze

    thanks so much for the info..i will be googling in a bit! :)

    he is only 5 months old right now and was told he should be 50+ pounds, he is actually more than half the size of my 3 yr old...the animal shelter just said he was a shepherd mix, but i couldnt figure what kind of shepherd..i will check out the dutch sheperd, although the picture you posted does resemble him

    again thanks for taking the time to give me all this info, i really appreciate it!

    • Gold Top Dog

      My guess would be a multi-generation mix. He doesn't strongly resemble any breed, more than likely both of Merlin's parents were mixes.

    • Bronze

    thanks! that would be my guess too as i couldnt figure out quite what breed he did resemble to me...i was just trying to educate myself a bit so that i didnt get those looks when asked what kind of dog he is and i dont have a clue! of course ive had a few say hes a pitbull and seem offended that i have him out!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Secondly, the Pembroke Corgi.


    I believe the Cardigan Welsh Corgis can come in brindle, not Pembrokes.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Almost any dog that is brindle is going to be called a pit bull at some point even if they are obviously not a pit. He could have some pit in him but there is plenty of something else there as well. I was even thinking I might see a smudge of australian cattle dog or some other herder with his ears and longer muzzle. It's funny with mixes, you could sit 10 people in a room with one dog and get a different answer from each one. You love him for who he is and that's all that matters :)
    • Gold Top Dog


    Secondly, the Pembroke Corgi.


    I believe the Cardigan Welsh Corgis can come in brindle, not Pembrokes.

    I think you're right.  I don't remember ever seeing or hearing of a brindle Pembroke.  But I have seen brindle Cardigans.

    • Bronze

    I can see some Cattle dog in him and maybe dutch shepherd.