One of a kind dog, have no idea what the breed is?

    • Bronze

    One of a kind dog, have no idea what the breed is?

     My pup is quite an interesting mix. He weighs 60 pounds. And stands about 24 inches high at his shoulders. He is a rescue. They told me he was part Australian Shepherd, and part Cocker Spaniel. But I don't see how he could be either one. I personally think he is and English Setter, or a Setter of some sorts, cross. He has speckles, and spots, and he is brindled. He has a red, a fawn color, black, and cream mixed coat, with these sparkling, almost metallic hairs that highlight over his ears, and throughout some random areas over his back. I will have some pictures of him up on my page as well.

    • Gold Top Dog

    He is he an adult or a puppy?

    While I can see Setter, English Setters tend to be very seldom seen unless you live in an area where bird hunting is very popular, and also would doubtless have had some sort of say over the head type and ear set, which is very un Setterlike really.

    For that reason I would say Cattle Dog (common as can be really in most places) and perhaps Aussie or even Spaniel.

    I also just saw some Saint Bernard really in the markings and once you mix in more than 3 breeds the genetics tend towards the median so Giant size would be toned down quite a bit. Most BYB Saints are pretty small considering as well. Saint I see in the ears, intensity of the sable markings, patched coat and length of coat too. BTW I do not see "brindle" as much as I see "sable" black tipped hairs over a reddish tinted coat. That sort of brownish red, is a Saint color to me, I've SELDOM seen that particular many other breeds that otherwise come in "brown/fawn/red". But the other breed I HAVE seen that color the Papillon and hey...Papillon x Cattle Dog X Aussie might get you a dog that looks JUST like yours...LOL!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I see aussie in there. my Lily has similar markings on her face. I would say aussie and spaniel or setter.

    • Bronze
     He is about three years old.

    He looks like a bunny when he runs. But, I am not sure what breeds are popular in the area, Shelton Washington, that I got him in. So, it is hard for me to tell if bird hunting is popular there or not. He does show some herding behaviors, but very, very minimal.

    As far as his coloration goes, there are a few areas where the hair is black tipped, and the rest is a mixture of black and red. It's very hard to tell in photographs, as you cannot actually play with the hair, and see the mixtures in person. But I do see some black tipped over sable, as you mentioned.

    I googled Papillon x Aussie, and I can see how he may be a cross between those, and a mixture with something else. But I would have to say a third breed as a Spaniel before a Cattle Dog or Saint Bernard.

    What do you think?

    • Gold Top Dog

    But I would have to say a third breed as a Spaniel before a Cattle Dog or Saint Bernard.


    anything is possible. BUT the type of mottling he has is VERY, cattle dog to me. Esp the mixture of "blue" and "red". It's to me a bit different from the Belton you'd see in a Setter and most Spaniels aside from the English Cocker do not have that thick a mottle...more like a ticking or freckling. His is so dense is places as to me almost a roan. There's also a conical bluntness to his muzzle and overall wedge-iness to his head that is very ACD to me. I do not see much of ANY Gundog around his head. That looks herder to me.

    • Bronze

     I have been looking a Saint Bernard pictures, and the way same on them stand look a lot like Milo when he is alert. Of course Milo is slimmed down and not quite as tall. But I still don't think Heeler. The area I am living in right now is filled with them, and their faces aren't ticked or freckled at all, and they have the more solid faces, some roan over the nose bridge, the blue heelers are a bit more freckled on their back and body, but not so much in the face. And most of them are fairly broad in the chest, and their chest isn't as low underneath. And if is is a mix of those two, then his body would, in theory, be a lot heavier set, or broad. I wish I had a complete side view photo. He does have extra skin around is neck in the front like a Saint Bernard would. He holds his tail in a curl a lot though (and his tail is very fine, no bushiness to it). Not sure if there are breeds more likely to hold tails that way or not. But I had another person say that they would jump to Saint Bernard as a primary breed as well.

    Maybe Papillon (or some other small breed), Border Collie or Aussie, and Saint Bernard.

    Someday I will have him tested so I can just know. I would definitely try to find a dog like him again. Great personality. Not head strong or stubborn what-so-ever. He likes to please. And he is just funny. And he knows he is funny. He is a very smart pup. I need to get my computer fixed. That way I can post up better pictures.

    • Puppy

    Admittedly, I'm pretty bad at this game, but I always play along. I have a mutt of my own and have no idea what he is. It's just fun to play the guessing game. Anyway, I can see Autrailian Shepherd in him, and maybe a spaniel of some sort. Britany?

    • Bronze

    i think you could rule out sait bernard.

    • Puppy

    I can see the setter of some form.  Also heeler (aka cattle dog); I have seen a number when I love in western Kansas; a jumper of one from down the block when my Female lab mix was in heat but that is another story.  Assie is also a possible.  Setter and spanials are close in looks for who knows.  Take this from some one who was told the afore meantioned Lab mix's mmam was a lab/cocker mix.  Met owners of that dogs sibling and come to find out that mama was a western Kansas mutt --- lab/heeler/birddog/assie aka farm dog stock.  My current lab mix is a lab and abandoned mama dog mix!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Just for the OP -- you realize there are two different kinds of aussies?  There's an Australian Cattle Dog and an Australian Shepherd -- VERY different.  This dog looks like an Aussie Shepherd but *not* cattle dog. 

    If you've never owned a herder, then you honestly may not realize what things are herding traits.  And a dog bred to herd sheep is very different from one bred to herd large animals like cattle.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Milo is adorable.  When I first looked (now mind you I am not a good breed guesser) I saw my BMD's ears.  I looked at the other photos and the tail and neck and the way his hair laid reminds me of my Hot Shot.  The Bernese Mtn Dog has the black,  white, and chestnut coloring too.  Like the Saint a BMD looks large and does have very large feet but believe it or not Hot is not really that heavy.  When he blows his coat...we could make a king sized blanket out of the hair.

    ETA: cant type today, had to correct spelling :)

    • Bronze
    I know it's been awhile. Milo does not have Australian Cattle Dog in him. They are stalky, with solid sort of roaning coloration. And they are equipted with, in my opinion, stubborn and strong willed, defiant personalities. I don't particularly like them. And I have always held solid to that opinion. I very well know the difference. He may, on the other hand have Australian Shephard in him. I've come to those terms. He is very sensetive, and eager to please, and also very dependent on a rutine. I also have come to the terms that he is my best friend, child, and life saver. He is a part of what makes my day, and my life whole, and he could have skunk in him at this point and it wouldn't make a difference. I will not find out what he is, I cannot recreate him. And I wouldn't pick a different dog to have shared my last four years with. And that's really all that matters! Though it's still a very fun guessing game every now and then!
    • Gold Top Dog

    Wow, it has been a long time :)  I am very happy to hear that you and Milo have such a great relationship. 

    and he could have skunk in him at this point and it wouldn't make a difference

    LOL, and that just says it all :)