Adopted Thunder

    • Bronze

    I finally got some responses from where I got Thunder at today. The guy is constantly changing his story. He had no clue who I was as he said I got the dog for my grandson (which I don't have...and better not have for atleast 15 more years). He refuses to give me the name of his "breeder in alabama" and yet wants the name of my vet so they can call them. He told me his mom was dying and didn't have time to argue with me yet keeps sending emails (if my mom was dying I wouldn't have responded period cause I wouldn't be checking my email). Also, he is fowarding all our emails to the ASPCA to protect his breeding buiness. I asked him if he was fowarding it to his local police dept since they will be the ones investigating the FRAUD he conducted. Now he is saying bring the dog back for a refund after I told him I shouldn't have to return the dog to get the truth not excuses. Such a bizzare situation.

    • Bronze


    oh I forgot to mention that the conversation started with him "rescuing the dogs" and so I sent him the ads to all the dogs he was selling that said he bred them or he got them from breeders and asked him to explain that. I got told I was weird haha.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd be very careful going forward. When you corner a badger you often get the teeth...and if this person is unsavory or so willing to lie it may be hard to guess what else he may be capable of. I might give the calls and such a rest and let the police handle things. I would also keep an eye on your dog especially if he has a means of finding your address or knows your wherabouts. It's always best to be cautious...IMO.

    • Bronze

    He only knows my cell number. I know if I call the police he will have everything if he gets the police report. Not sure it's worth it honestly. Or how the best way to even go about it. All I wanted for him to be honest. I told him several times all I want to know is the truth so I can raise this puppy the bst possible. Oh well. Atleast maybe he's worried a little bit and that's all the payback he gets but hopefully it makes him think twice before lying again ( I doubt it but we can hope)

    • Gold Top Dog

    yes one can hope. Unfortunately intelligence isn't usually a major part of the petty criminal make up!

    • Bronze


    yes one can hope. Unfortunately intelligence isn't usually a major part of the petty criminal make up!


    HAHA, That's for sure. I just don't understand why people do it. You can make the same if not more working at Mcdonalds and atleast that should give you some selfworth.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've been following your thread. While I don't know a thing about purebred GSD's, I do know he looks just like several of our Alaskan Huskies! I agree with the others that mentioned Alaskan Husky in this thread. He sure is a beautiful pup, congrats!

    • Bronze


    I've been following your thread. While I don't know a thing about purebred GSD's, I do know he looks just like several of our Alaskan Huskies! I agree with the others that mentioned Alaskan Husky in this thread. He sure is a beautiful pup, congrats!


    I'd be perfectly ok with that. I just wish I would know 100% for sure. Do you happen to have some pics of your huskies as puppies? I'd like to take a look. I have seen a couple gsd that look exactly like him too. I think as he gets a little older it will be easier to spot out things...or atleast I hope.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I believe Alaskan Husky is more of a type than a breed (breeding Huskies to other breeds to bring out different traits).  I could be wrong though.

    As for the breeder/broker/whatever he is I agree with Gina, I would let it go.  The onus is on the buyer to do the research and homework beforehand.  Brokers and millers do this all the time, they don't have to provide quality dogs or safe conditions because people get suckered into buying a dog because they feel sorry for it.  If people are buying the dogs, the person is making money so there's nothing in it for them to get their act together and take better care of their dogs.  The demand drives the supply.  If you have no intention of returning the dog and getting your money back then I would just let it go. If there was no contract (verbal or written) there is nothing that can be enforced.  It would really be an issue for civil court and not a police investigation anyway.

    Like Gina said earlier for all we know he's just breeding random stray dogs in his backyard and may not even know what a German Shepherd or Husky actually look like.  When I first opened this thread I went back to the GSD board b/c there was a thread at the exact same time from someone who insisted they bred GSDs and half the puppies were absolutely NOT GSDs and looked like Huskies.  I thought maybe yours was from the same person, and that person honestly insisted their dogs were pure GSD.  Likewise I've seen a lot of pure GSDs listed as Huskies or mixes because people are only familiar with a black and tan patterned GSD.  I was walking my purebred GSD and this guy stopped me and insisted I breed her to his Belgian Shepherd.  Again, someone with no business breeding but doing it anyway and not even knowing what breeds he's dealing with.

    • Gold Top Dog



    I would chalk it up to a lesson learned.  If there was no contract, not even a firm verbal agreement as far as the lineage of the puppy, then pursuing legal action will just be expensive for the OP.  If you want a dog that is purebred, you need to get the proof up front, especially from a "breeder" that makes no attempt to share the necessary information about the dogs' lineage, health, etc.  At best the OP could maybe return the dog, maybe get some money back.  Even with reputable breeders and clear contracts you generally must return the dog to get money back.


    it is a lesson  learned for sure. I want to keep the puppy no doubt about it so is there a point in spending a couple thousand to prove a point to some guy? Also, I typed his name and number into google and surprise surprise he was selling several breeds of puppies. TOo bad I didn't do my homework before but atleast Thunder has a home where he is loved. It's probably worth the price I paid to have him out of the mess he was in.


    I'm so glad your top priority is loving your dog.  But, I also think you could do a service to others who may be looking for a pup.  If he has a web site, you can send a link to your state veterinarian and to the AKC and explain what happened to you.  Just ask them to keep the guy on their radar screen.  If things like this are happening to others, eventually the complaints will build up and someone may shut him down.  It's so important for people to learn how to choose a reputable breeder, and your story may enlighten others how careful they need to be.  Most of us here are happy to have others send us links to look at and opine on;-)

    • Gold Top Dog

    The AKC will not do anything or care unless he is falsely registering dogs.  It sounds like none of these dogs are even registered?  Most of the dogs I see coming from millers and brokers are AKC registered.  The parent club for the breed is the one who has their own code of ethics and breeders can sign it or not.  The AKC is just a registry and will not intervene unless they are being defrauded.  They do not care about BYBs selling mixed dogs.

    • Gold Top Dog


    The AKC will not do anything or care unless he is falsely registering dogs.  It sounds like none of these dogs are even registered?  Most of the dogs I see coming from millers and brokers are AKC registered.  The parent club for the breed is the one who has their own code of ethics and breeders can sign it or not.  The AKC is just a registry and will not intervene unless they are being defrauded.  They do not care about BYBs selling mixed dogs.



     Most commercially bred dogs I see are not AKC registered these days. The local puppy selling store has only APRI registered puppies now. I don't think we have really gotten an answer as to if the dog is registered with AKC or not but I suggested earlier that if he is, a complaint be filed with AKC.