Doberman colors

    • Bronze

    Doberman colors

    Can back & tan parents have split litters - half balck/tan, half blue?

    I've always wanted, & still hope to some day have a dobe.  I saw a sign yesterday advertising a littler of AKC pups, so I called & went to see the litter.  The parents are both extremely gorgeous black & tan, which is the color I prefer.  I didn't ask about any health testing that was done, as I'm not seriously looking right now & when I decide it's time, I will thoroughly reseach breeders, if not adopt from the local dobe rescue.

    But there were 2 black & tan pups & 2 blue pups.  I didn't realize that was possible?    

    • Gold Top Dog
    Yes, it is possible. I don't want to sound preachy but please, please, PLEASE research first & find a breeder who health tests. Trust me when I say that health testing is very important in this breed. Honestly, most reputable breeders do not breed for dilutes. Ie..fawns/blues
    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    But there were 2 black & tan pups & 2 blue pups.  I didn't realize that was possible?  


    Ditto what Amanda said, but, yes, it's possible.  My dog came from a red female, black male and they had 11 puppies in this litter.  6 black, 2 red, 2 fawn, 1 blue - so they had every color in the litter.  This chart from the Doberman Pinscher Club of America will show you how this is possible, genetically.

    • Bronze

    Thank you for your replies, & for that link to the chart, I will look through that. 

    If & when hubby gives me the go ahead, I will def research breeders real well first, as well as get recommendations from experienced people I know personally as well as people here.  
    But, the timing, housing & situations are just not "right" at the moment, but I am thinking about the day ... 

    • Gold Top Dog

    My red/rust male is out of two black/rust parents. As long as the sire and dam carry the gene for other colours, it is entirely possible to have a Doberman litter consist of two or more colours. As was already said though, beware of dilutes. The vast majority of responsible Doberman breeders do not breed for dilutes due to the high occurence of alopecia in those colours. :)

    • Bronze

     Oh I've never been able to understand the color inheritance stuff.  And I know I'll need a lot of help when choosing a breeder.

    Btw, you all have very beautiful dogs!  

    • Gold Top Dog

     You got all the info you need from the others, just wanted to say my girl came from a litter of 10 black/rust with mom being black/rust and dad being red/rust.

    I don't care for fawns of blues...lookswise and coatwise.

    • Gold Top Dog

    If by chance these are not "hobby: breeders (think Gina as a typical hobby breeder) make sure you know if there was a purposeful breeding of a white dog to up the chances of the dilutes.  I would stay as far from such lines has humanly possible.   Also, chech on thyriod and cardio tests for both parents.  I also lost one to cancer,  ask about parents, other puppies from prior litters.   Spent 26 years in the breed, great dogs but a health risk without a VERY dedicated breeder.  The cost of the puppies might give you a clue of how "good" the breeders were.  Low  be careful,  too high be careful,  mid range ask questions as in some cases this may be a good possibility.

     Bragging about white dogs, charging more for females,  charging more for "rare" colors,  run away as fast as you can.

    • Gold Top Dog


    If by chance these are not "hobby: breeders (think Gina as a typical hobby breeder) make sure you know if there was a purposeful breeding of a white dog to up the chances of the dilutes.  I would stay as far from such lines has humanly possible.   Also, chech on thyriod and cardio tests for both parents.  I also lost one to cancer,  ask about parents, other puppies from prior litters.   Spent 26 years in the breed, great dogs but a health risk without a VERY dedicated breeder.  The cost of the puppies might give you a clue of how "good" the breeders were.  Low  be careful,  too high be careful,  mid range ask questions as in some cases this may be a good possibility.

     Bragging about white dogs, charging more for females,  charging more for "rare" colors,  run away as fast as you can.

    Totally agree with everythiing MRV said.

     When you're ready for a dobe, let us know...and we can recommend some breeders. Bevolasvegas would be your go to girl if you're interested in working, and i know a lot of show breeders.