What does Sookie look like?

    • Gold Top Dog

    What does Sookie look like?

    Sookie was tied in a bag and thrown out of a truck window. Now my friend's family has her. No one really knows what breed she is. Every now and then i thought she looked mastiff-y in the face, but she's way too small. I was thinking more pit/some type of hound mix. She's around 15 weeks and 28 lbs. Any guesses?





    and a cutie patootie puppy pic!!


    • Gold Top Dog

     Neighbor down the road has dogs that look just like her. Their Pit/Beagle mixes.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I see Lab in her head and face.  Her size is close to Caleb's at roughly the same age (he was 30# and 17 weeks).  Maybe she has some Boxer in her as well? 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Pit or Boxer and Plott Hound maybe?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Not saying she is likely to be one but she looks like a Cur . maybe a Mountain Cur? Or some these dogs which are  mix of several Cur breeds: http://www.huntingdogos.com/our_cur_dogs.asp

    • Bronze

    Definatley pit or boxer bc of the brindle, most likely pit, and some kind of spaniel/setter/pointer, pointer because of the grey/white spotting/roaning common in those breeds.  I would say pit/pointer with her body type. Beautiful dog, I love brindles!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh she is a cutie!  Definitely has pit in her in my opinion...I had a pit that looked just like her that was mixed with a German Shorthaired pointer.  Had the Pointer spots on her chest and legs just like Sookie does.  They are Fantastic dogs. I had Mable (my Pit/GSP) for close to 11 years, and she was fantastic at watersports and agility.  Looks like a keeper to me!

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    Looks pit/GSP (or some other pointer) to me, too... the ticking plus brindle.

    I am so, so sorry she was dumped so cruelly, but glad she's out of those horrible hands, and in safe ones now.  She's adorably cute.  All our strongest wishes for a great life ahead for Miss Sookie!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I definately see Boxer in her eyes, forehead and coloring.