Anyone know about Merles and deafness/blindness in aussies?

    • Gold Top Dog

     I guess that it depends on how much money this person is wanting. It is true that the majority of purebred dogs in rescue are from BYBs, so quality wise you are looking at about the same thing. If the person with these pups are doing the health checks prior to placement, you can expect to pay more to cover those. If they are are not, you have to ask yourself if you could deal with a deaf and/or blind dog. That can be a risk with any rescue with an unknown background too, as most eye disorders are late onset and most rescues don't CERF.

      You really have to weigh the pros and cons - no one here can tell you what to do. I personally would not get a puppy from rescue unless they would allow the dog to mature prior to altering (and most will not for any reason). Of course most rescues wouldn't adopt a dog to me unless I lied, so I suppose that makes rescue dogs a poor match for me to start with ;)

     As Brookcove said, when you pay for a well bred dog you are paying for more than just the dog. In doing so, you are hopefully getting a "lower risk" puppy for future health or temperament issues. You can save on the purchase price by getting a BYB puppy or a rescue but you are also taking on a "higher risk" dog for health issues and may get a dog which lacks the breed's proper temperament.

     If you aren't set on having a young puppy, there is another option available as well. Sometimes breeders will hav older puppies available that they decided aren't turning out as they had hoped or get back older puppies who didn't work out in their home for whatever reason. Such puppies are usually not as pricey as a young puppy but come with the perks of buying from a reputable breeder (plus the bonus that they are already started on training and can "hold it" longer).

    • Gold Top Dog

    well, this "byb" was only asking for $25 to cover shots and the tail docking, so I don't really think she was in it for the money...however, I was not getting a good feeling about her for other reasons, so I told my husband (who was excited about these puppies) to forget it and we'd keep looking.  If I cannot get a quality puppy from a reputable breeder because he does not want to spend the money, then I will find the cutest Heinz 57 variety shelter puppy that I can, and bring it home, and love it.  I still look at pictures of the puppy I wanted several times a day, and feel really depressed about it.  I understand where he's coming from, but it frustrates me because I am truly feeling sadness over not being able to bring that baby home and snuggle him up.  I continue to look and look every least it has stopped my hesitancy over wanting a puppy, haha!

    • Gold Top Dog


    well, this "byb" was only asking for $25 to cover shots and the tail docking, so I don't really think she was in it for the money...however, I was not getting a good feeling about her for other reasons, so I told my husband (who was excited about these puppies) to forget it and we'd keep looking.  If I cannot get a quality puppy from a reputable breeder because he does not want to spend the money, then I will find the cutest Heinz 57 variety shelter puppy that I can, and bring it home, and love it.  I still look at pictures of the puppy I wanted several times a day, and feel really depressed about it.  I understand where he's coming from, but it frustrates me because I am truly feeling sadness over not being able to bring that baby home and snuggle him up.  I continue to look and look every least it has stopped my hesitancy over wanting a puppy, haha!


     $25 is IMO very reasonable. What made you decide against this puppy?

    • Gold Top Dog

    inconsistencies in stuff I was told, then telling me to come and see the puppies saying she'd be home all night, and then not being home at all, and then telling me I could come tonight after she told me tonight wasn't good, and then not calling me back.  I was just getting a bad vibe if that makes sense.

    • Gold Top Dog


    inconsistencies in stuff I was told, then telling me to come and see the puppies saying she'd be home all night, and then not being home at all, and then telling me I could come tonight after she told me tonight wasn't good, and then not calling me back.  I was just getting a bad vibe if that makes sense.


    Yeah that isn't good at all!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Awww...poor little deaf puppies!  It's my hope to someday give a deaf dog a home.  I love the lethal white Aussies.

     This person sounds pretty inconsistent and I'm not fond of people like that.  I can understand staying away!

    And nothing wrong with a Heinz 57.  Dahlia's one and we love her dearly!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ok stupid question whats a heinz 57 lol,

    When I was looking for a dog I found pure black labs in the newspaper for free lol yea we kept calling the lady she said we can come look at the 6 month old puppies but then when we would make an appointment we got the run around and she only wanted us to go at night finally we went and Princess was one of 3 dogs there and all 3 looked like Princess 2 females 1 male the male was alot bigger honestly looked purebred to me, Princess looked nothing like a black lab and don't think she was part black lab as well, but this lady talked so much stuff and when we all looked at each other black lab the lady said oh only 1 came out full black lab, I picked Princess she was the smallest and we got home I looked her over she was abused.

    So if someone is giving you the run around and saying one thing and then another somethings up. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ok stupid question whats a heinz 57 lol,


    It's a mixed breed dog, the reference is to Heinz ketchup which used to say on their bottles "57 varieties" but I don't have a bottle of Heinz to see if they still say that.  I also don't know what the 57 varieties were, tomatoes? different products?  LOL

    • Gold Top Dog

    From Wikipedia:

    In its early days, the company wanted to advertise the great number of choices of canned and bottled foods it offered for sale. Although the company had more than 60 products in 1892, the number 57 was chosen because the numbers "5" and "7" held special significance to Heinz. The number "5" was Henry John Heinz's lucky number and the number "7" was his wife's lucky number. [1] The company now has more than 6,000 products. Prepared horseradish was their first product.

    Actually, the only major product I can think of that has the "57" on it now is their steak sauce. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    You can find out just about anything here on the dog forum!  LOL