Getting into a new breed.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I love my Mini's, and I really do feel that I'll always have a Mini in my home. They just have a special place in my heart - that's why I have three!

    However, there are many breeds I am interested in and want to have the chance to have. My next breed, unless something goes awry, is a Manchester Terrier. For now I will enjoy sharing with my eventually a breeder-born Manchester will be my next companion.

    I am drawn to the terriers, to be honest. Sure, they have quite a bit more attitude, and often more independence, sometimes more dog-dog aggro issues, but once you channel their interest and develop a strong relationship, they have such a strong work ethic, and are so smart and quick to learn, that I love that challenge. Sometimes you really have to find what it is that motivates them, as it's not always the typical thing, but once you do you can do anything.

    • Gold Top Dog

     So far I'm a mutt or ACD person for the most part.  I like BCs, but ACDs have always held a special place in my heart.  There's something about the markings and the personality of a heeler that I can't resist and my goal is to adopt a red boy in the future for SAR and agility. 

    It is really interesting - ACDs at the shelter ALWAYS catch my eyes, other breeds rarely.  It helps given my job that I'm focused on one breed for the most part or I'd drive myself crazy.  I guess ACDs are in my bones like Gina described early in the thread - they just resonate in a way I don't find in other breeds.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Growing up - I was always drawn towards the retrievers. Probably didn't help that I was surrounded by them! I dog sat constantly for 2 goldens up north, and my neighbor down here had two as well.

    But - I've found myself more and more drawn towards the terriers - Jacks, pitties, etc.  I love the herding breeds - BCs, aussies, corgis - and will probably have one at one point. I'm also a big dobie fan - our vet has one, and I LOVE when she brings him in - he's such a ham,

    I love that my job allows me to be around many different breeds.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I can't imagine life without at least one dobe.  I can, easily, envision a time in the future when I have a house full of dobes.  I love their bouncing off the walls energy, combined with their brilliant minds.  I love that they are easy to train, & that they are willing to work for nothing more than a "good job" from me. 

    That being said, even though I don't, generally, like doxies, I will, most likely, always have a doxie.  They are the perfect compliment to a dobe, & they will keep both the big dogs, & I in line!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I guess I'm a mutt loving person lol, but when I was younger the kid up the block had a purebred Rottweiler named Prince and even tho the dog wasn't nice I always said when I get older I would get a Rottweiler and name her Princess, Princess was only half but she was what I wanted. I would love to own a great dane or doberman but don't think I could ever own a doberman would remind me of Princess to much. Also after seeing so many picture's of Rwbeagles beagles I would really like to own a beagle. But like I said I love mutts lol

    • Gold Top Dog

    I probably always like golden colors. Our first dog was a Golden retriever, and now Misha is too. And before Misha, Mutt was -- the primary reason I got Misha. But, I doubt I'd get into Pyrs as anything other than a working dog. Handling Misha right now is very difficult for me and I'm not sure I could handle the stress of having a dog run off unless I was in the country and had lots of fenced land.

    I don't know what my perception of the APBT was at first, but when I met my aunt's boyfriend's dog, it was love. He was the most beautiful, well-tempered dog I'd ever seen. I've since met his mother and other pits who just cement that feeling for me. Though not his other pit, named Axel. He's a monster, just a freak of nature at over 100 lbs. He's sweet, but he's about as slow and lazy as they come.

    I find that I can look at other dogs and think about whether or not I would want them, but I look at an APBT and think that I must have one. I will, in the future, when I can afford the time, space, and money, to properly care for and train her. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Color is really important to me; I don't like black at all. I love chocolate and liver coloring and blue is also nice. So any breed that I choose has to come in those colors. My favorite breed is the Shih Tzu, but I got a Chihuahua because of the smaller size and low grooming requirements. I'm planning to get a 3rd dog and want a "pair" of the same breed, so it will either be a Chi or Tzu. I've been going back and forth trying to decide and wish I could make up my mind already!

    • Gold Top Dog

         I have always been fond of large dogs - mainly Dobies, but since a very young age I've been a hound person, and really don't want to own more than one or get seriously involved in another type of dog. I've had a GSD, also had a Rottie for a very short while. Both great dogs, ones I might own again in the future, but what I've always been drawn to are the scent hounds. Mainly Beagles, Foxhounds, Coon dawgs. My grandfather took me to a traditional Beagle pack hunt when I was maybe 3yrs old, and that memory has always stuck with me. I was in awe of these dogs, pretty much still am :) There is nothing in this world like the deep bawl mouth of a good scent hound. I think what sealed the deal, though, was when I was 11yrs old, we were visiting family in PA, one of my cousins had a bluetick coonhound for bear hunting. This was the most exciting thing I'd ever seen, no one could shut me up about it for months ... then I read Where The Red Fern Grows that later year @ school, and I became hound crazy. I mean absolutely obsessed with the idea that I needed to have a hound dawg. I was told hell would freeze over before my mother would allow a hound in our city apartment Tongue Tied Well, obviously, I did get my hound, an oversized patch Beagle. I started hare hunting with her in 1996 ... and the rest is history. I am hopelessly addicted to Beagles.

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    • Gold Top Dog

    The most stand-out dog my family owned was a Dobe/Bluetick Coonhound mix.  When I look at his pictures now, I laugh to think we considered him a Dobe because he clearly had a ton of hound in him.  But he was a very good dog who colored my world black and tan.  Even to this day, I am drawn to black and tan dogs ranging from Beaucerons, to Black and Tan Coonhounds, to Cavalier King Charles Spaniels in the black/tan coats.

    I will always have a Dobe and will always work a Dobe, but I simply won't have the finances to successfully campaign a Dobe if I ever thought about showing.  (I could buy a car with the amount of money it would cost.)  So, a total change of pace for me is considering a smaller breed.  A good friend's mom went from Springers to Dobes and now Whippets.  I may go a similar route.