Guess the breeds - Lynn!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am now I will have you know...looking at a map to see where Belgium actually is...and it's close to germany...but GSD was's also close to Holland...which is where Dutch people live...and she doesn't look Schipp....or Keeshond...the only other Dutch breed I know is a Dutch Shepherd so there you go...pfft!

    And if that is wrong my second guess is the Kooiekejehondethingymajiggy


    eta: and if those are BOTH wrong then I guess a Belgian WAFFLE! Stick out tongue

    • Gold Top Dog


    • Gold Top Dog

    And we have a winner!  Though I'm not sure I should count Gina's somewhat desperate final guesses.  LOL

    By close I meant in the same vague family and also as you say geographically close AND the breed looks like a Mal (ish) and is often misstaken for one.

    Drumroll please:

    Lynn is . . .

    Half Golden (of course).

    One quarter Border Collie (I practically gave that one away - there's no way anyone could have guessed that - she was here for nine months before *I* figured it out).  And. . . . .

    One quarter Dutch Shepherd! 

    I know the "breeder" of her mother, it turned out.  And I've met the grandsire and grandmother, and amazingly, saw the mother when she was still in the whelping box.

    The Golden is pretty much a guess but it's kind of a duh.  I'll explain in a second.

    So, Lynn came from a shelter "down east" - she was turned in with a few littermates and identified as a "Belgian mix." Lynn came to us, as some of you know, when a transport turned into a protracted stay after she came down with parvo, and then she just stayed.

    Fast forward about nine months. Someone sent me a link to that same rescue, which had puppies that looked just like Lynn!  Only this time there was a whole litter. This time they were listed as "Belgian/BC mixes."

    Some of the puppies looked very familiar.  They were classic tri looking, but with really big floppy ears and lots of hair, and a couple were brindled.  Others were black brindle.  Then there were the ones that looked just like Lynn, but some with even more black and realy obvious brindling.  I couldn't put my finger on it for a while, and then I remembered where I'd seen a litter that looked like many of those pups.

    A few years ago, a friend who lives in that same county, had an imported Border Collie female who was every breeder's nightmare.  My friend owned her for two years and she got bred every heat, and never to anything planned, or in any way desirable, because she could get out of anything.  Meanwhile, my friend purchased a Dutch Shepherd youngster. And come next heat, she found her female in her Dutch Shepherd's kennel.

    Most of the pups went to a drug dog trainer out of state, but she kept one female, and sold another one locally. 

    I called my friend and grilled her, and yes, she'd lost contact with the person but had been contacted by a local rescuer who knew where the female came from and wanted her to pressure that person to spay her female - they were getting tired of bailing these puppies out of the pound. So she knew what was going on and felt pretty sure that yes, Lynn was her old female's grandpup.

    The female BC was a tri, smooth coated, dog with big upright ears. Besides the escaping thing she was bonkers in many other ways too. 

    The Dutch Shepherd was a smaller type and very light colored.  He had a very good temperament for work - he was sent off to Sch training and they really liked him - but he had one  quirk - he was violently aggressive towards small dogs and he ended up being put to sleep for this.  Lynn's never showed any sign of this (whew).  He had one other funny thing - he had a purple spotted tongue, which he passed on to all his pups. So my mention of her purple spotted tongue was a red herring.  LOL!

    • Gold Top Dog
    Wow thats awesome you know her breeding and background!

    This makes me want to go make some phone calls and dig alittle into Toras breeding. Hmmm..

    • Gold Top Dog

    That's amazing that you found her breeding!  What a small world this can be.

    • Gold Top Dog



    That's amazing that you found her breeding!  What a small world this can be.


    Yes, it also shows how hard it can be to guess the breeding of a mixed dog! Without some good clues, you might never guess a dog's story.

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

     Way cool Becca!  As you say the golden part was easy!

    CaliGrrrl I love that picture of Mingus - do you know what breed mix he is?

    • Gold Top Dog


    Yes, it also shows how hard it can be to guess the breeding of a mixed dog! Without some good clues, you might never guess a dog's story.


    For sure.  If for some reason she looked like a Dutch Shepherd, I'd say, "No, that's too rare a breed - don't look for zebras when you hear hoofbeats!" Stick out tongue

    • Gold Top Dog



     Way cool Becca!  As you say the golden part was easy!

    CaliGrrrl I love that picture of Mingus - do you know what breed mix he is?

    thanks he's quite a ham, unlike brookcove we have no real clues about the breeding of our dogs, just wild inaccurate guesses! I would love to know their stories. He looks kind of like your dog though. I've noticed there are tons of big black athletic dogs with floppy ears and white chests! We think he's part pit bull and part hunting dog like german short haired pointer or regular pointer, but since all my guesses are so far off, we're probably wrong. I even missed the easy guess on Lynn, the golden part...

    • Gold Top Dog

    We think he's part pit bull and part hunting dog like german short haired pointer or regular pointer, but since all my guesses are so far off, we're probably wrong. I even missed the easy guess on Lynn, the golden part...


    FWIW he looks like a lab/pointer mix to me.  :)