what is he?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm no one to judge any body, but


    Hold it RIGHT there at the "but".  But nothing - this dog may have been lost for some time.  Could be there is someone frantic out there wanting him to come home.  His coat, at least from the photo, does not look in too-bad shape.... his face in particularly looks like it's had a nice schnauzer trim.  I hope and believe that SOMEONE cares for this dog.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Maltese, he looks exactly like my sisters Maltese and his weight is right for that breed.  Please do try and find his owners, its not fair to scoop him up and assume he is not loved!!

    I lost my GF dogs many years ago when she got out and ran away on me while I was dog sitting.  She wasn't found for three days after my GF got home and she was gone a total of 7 - she looked horrible when found, not like she usually looked.  This dog needs to find her family.

    • Gold Top Dog
    • Gold Top Dog

    OMG!  Wouldn't be something if it was???!!!!

    Red Devil*

    • Gold Top Dog

     Can't tell weight wise, from the photo, but as someone else suggested, don't judge just because the dog is a little thin. He may also be a growing puppy and they can be pretty skinny looking, at some stages of their growth.....especially when they haven't "muscled out yet".  For the type of coat this dog has, there again from the photo anyway, it really appears to be in very good shape. His coat isn't matted looking and I'd think that coat would get tangled and matted quite easily. Please be doing absolutely all that you can to find his owners. Put info up at the vets, store bulletin boards, let dog control know you have the dog. Continue calling these places too, as sometimes one employee may forget to pass info on to another and sometimes, even the one who you talked to may forget or just won't put two and two together, especially if a different breed description is given for the lost dog as that that is given for the found dog. Please don't assume the dog is a stray. Assume first that it is a lost dog and someone is just sick looking for him.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Red Devil,

    Yes, that was him on craigslist. I went to post Lost Dog Found around where my friend found him since she didn't care to do so.  And as I drove around the streets, I fortunately looked at the bus stop station and saw his picture! I immediately called the owner and we met to give Doug (that's his name, and he's maltese mix with schnauzer) back to her. I told her about the ear infection and she looked surprise. She said she thought his ears were just dirty. I gave her my poodle's medication for ear that she can order online. I treated his ears for the last 2 days and they smell better.  She also told me that it was the ninth time he got loose and ran away. I advised her she can get the anti-pull leash and that will solve the problem.   It didn't surprise me that he got lost 9nth times already. When I walked this little guy, he got super aggressive when he saw other dogs and would try to get loose to chase after them.  I'm happy that I returned him to his owner and hopefully she can takes better care of him. Having a dog got loose and ran away 9nth times is quite something...(and I feel a little unhappy to return him to her after I heard this) Luckily, he didn't get killed. I'm just curious why had they not do anything to prevent that. Urgh! Anyway, I'm missing this little guy already. He's a sweet dog.

    Also, this is interesting. About 3 hours after I post the Lost Dog found and returned the dog to his owner, a lady called and asked if anyone claim the dog yet. Hmm...interesting.



    • Gold Top Dog

    Nine times, wow.  I hope she takes your advice and looks into getting a better walking system.  Thanks for keeping this little guy safe.

    • Gold Top Dog

    well, I'm glad you found his owner...I think????  If you were closer to me, I would have taken him in, and I guarantee he would not have gotten away from me! 

    • Gold Top Dog


    yea, I'm not sure if I'm happy giving him back to his owner after hearing he got lost 9 times. I'd be really really sad and would beat myself up if I find him dead on the road next time. urgh....

    • Puppy

    I Would Definitely Say A Maltese Or Maltese & Poodle Mix.

    He's Very Cute:) 

    • Gold Top Dog

     A famous handler was traveling with her high-dollar (and beloved, slept on her bed) competition dogs when someone side swiped her and the camper door popped open.  One of her dogs is intensely sound sensitive and got so freaked out at all the noise that she ran for about 20 miles, then wandered uncatchable in that area until they finally trapped her.  It took about two weeks and she was in terrible shape when they finally got her in hand.

    Another friend left her farm and some of her dogs in the care of a sitter while she was out of the country.  There was an awful storm and her thunderphobic dog tore through a WOOD door and out, and ran for an entire month before he could be found, because it was summertime and it was a period of really bad weather.  Plus, he's obsessed with water and he found a chain of lagoons where he could do his OCD splash and chase the water thing, so even if someone spotted him and called him typically he wouldn't come - or if they offered him any food.  By the time they did catch him, he had lost about 30% of his body weight, had lost a bunch of his hair, had sores all over from the obsessive water play, and had no pads worth speaking of.

    I see "Schmaltie-Poos" advertised at our unfortunately many, many puppy mills.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I'm no one to judge any body, but


    Hold it RIGHT there at the "but".  But nothing - this dog may have been lost for some time.  Could be there is someone frantic out there wanting him to come home.  His coat, at least from the photo, does not look in too-bad shape.... his face in particularly looks like it's had a nice schnauzer trim.  I hope and believe that SOMEONE cares for this dog.


     I have to agree. I hate when people find a wandering dog and assume because the dog is not wearing a collar, is dirty and/or thin that the dog's owner doesn't deserve them back. It doesn't take long of dogs being on their own outdoors for them to start looking "neglected". If they are running a lot and not eating much, they'll lose weight quite quickly. I know someone here lost their toy breed agility dog during a cold and snowy Feb. She did everything she could to find that dog and had a bunch of people helping her in her search. There was a $1,000 reward for his return. Weeks went by and it was hard to believe the dog could still be alive outdoors in the weather but everyone still kept the search up. He was found quite a long ways from home, very thin and dirty curled up on the porch of an empty house. The realtor for the house happened to find him and was convinced he was an abused, abandoned dog because of how he looked but obviously that wasn't the case at all.

    • Gold Top Dog

    If you have a decent shelter, I'd take him there, or at least let them know you have him.  I was in a similar situation.  I found a Bichon on my way home.  I went home and got a leash, came back, and he was still wandering.  I walked with him but no one was looking for him so I took him home b/c he was covered in ice.  We drove around looking for LOST posters and actually found one, but when we called they said they already found their Bichon.  I called the shelter and they said no one had called looking for a Bichon.  It was too late to get there before closing, so instead we drove him to the 24hr e-vet and they scanned him, no chip.  He had a collar but no tag.  He was good weight (fat actually), but his coat was icky, he had some weird lumps on his chest, and he was peeing blood.  I bathed him and brushed him out as best I could.  I put a found ad on Craigslist but all I got were people wanting to buy him.  He slept between my legs in our bed and was fine.  The next day I typed out everything I knew about him (where I found him, what I did, how he was with my dogs and in our house) and DH took him to the shelter.  We had to pay to drop him off even though he was a stray, but they don't euth dogs unless they are human aggressive or very old and sick.  A little white dog has an excellent shot.  When I had called the night before, the shelter encouraged me to bring him there and not "foster" him myself.  They said they have more resources for finding owners, and most owners will call them.  Also if the owner does call, they have to drive out, pay a fine, and see all the other dogs that were lost or neglected so it's incentive for them to be more responsible.  Dogs can wander a LONG ways so I just was not comfortable making fliers and trying to find the owner myself, and if they were looking, how would they know to contact me?  They'd call the shelter.  So that's why we turned him in right away.  I guess if it was a high kill shelter I'd keep him and make fliers, but definitely do something to try to find the owner and not make that judgment call myself.

    Just look at Julie's thread about Bobbi.  Bobbi is timid and has some medical problems and is underweight, but the vet's office lost her not Julie, and Julie is not responsible for her condition.  Look at how much ground Bobbi has covered since she got away.  So what if someone found Bobbi and assumed that her owner was neglectful?  That's not true, Julie was fostering Bobbi to rehab her health issues and it was the vet tech that dropped the leash, not Julie.

    • Gold Top Dog

    This is an old thread and the dog has been reunited with his owner.  I agree that you can't judge a found dog's owner by his condition but I have found dogs that when I located the owner it was painfully obvious that the dogs were not cared for properly even by minimal standards.  Each case is individual. 

    • Bronze

     I agree, he looks 100% Maltese to me.