What mix is this?

    • Gold Top Dog

    What mix is this?

    We've been looking at our local Animal Shelter. And completely fell in love with this little guy...Were seriously considering adopting him.

     They say he's a Chesepeake Bay Retriever/Lab mix...What do you guys think? See anything else in him?


    • Gold Top Dog

    got any stats? age? weight? is the coat slick or slightly wavy? I'd say personally...PB/Lab...both can carry dilute coloring. If he has any markings in a lighter tone like above his eyes, under his tail, where a Dobe would be tan...possibly Dobe X but.....we need more info..really, and maybe even another pic from the side or at least standing.

    • Gold Top Dog

    He's about 1 year 7 months old, and weighs about 45 - 50 pounds.

    His fur is slick, with some areas slightly longer and wavy. This is the only other pic I have of him.

    • Gold Top Dog

    hmm well at that weight and age Chessie is not all that likely...they are BEEFY dogs...up around 80lbs on the males. And they are just a "big dog" in feel...big round legs, solid deep chested, big football wide heads etc.

    Granted this boy looks like he could use some weight but given that Chessies are a somewhat seldome seen breed...and Labs and PB's are pretty darned common everywhere...I will stick with my first guess. There's something very Pitty abotu those kissy lips LOL.

    • Gold Top Dog

    That sweet face reminds me of my chocolate lab although the ears are a lot smaller.  He must be lab mixed with something smaller, wire-haired and patched with white.  Hmmmmm.

    He looks totally sweet though - love the eyes!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd say Lab mixed with who knows?  They probably are guessing Chessie because of the reddish color but I've seen lots of Chocolate Labs  that color.  Pit is a likely candidate in there too.  He is very cute.  Who wouldn't fall in love? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    in the first pic i was thinking he looks like my aunts Lab/boxer mix but the last pic i sorta do see lab/pit- and the wavy hair probably comes from a breed further down the line thats not noticable any other way than the hair

    • Gold Top Dog

    Have to say, the first pic had me saying the shelter's listing was right, but looking at the second pic, and hearing his "stats", I think Gina's guess of Lab/Pit is spot on.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Wow that concerned expression reminds me so much of a Weimarianer! Im gonna say Weim/Lab/Pitt
    • Gold Top Dog

    For some reason Chessie, Weim, & Dalmation faces are similar to me....so here's my guess....

    Possibley a mix of Labbie Pittie Chessie Weim or Dalmation.......

    Honestly, he looks like a Weim or Chessie crossed with a Lab or Pittie

    • Gold Top Dog

    When I first met him, I thought Lab/Pit, but he does have spots, especially on his back that's very Wirey haired. I think that's where they got the Chesepeake from.

     I love him though...He's very friendly and playful. No aggression at all. He just doesn't have any formal training, and a very short attention span. He's basicly a full grown pup. Were getting training classes as soon as we get him. He's still young (1 year, 7 months) so he should be more than capable of learning everything.

    Isn't there some DNA test they have online that you can order and get his background?

    • Gold Top Dog


    Isn't there some DNA test they have online that you can order and get his background?

    Those things are about as acurate as all of us guessing.

    Seriously - someone posted a story about those DNA-testy-thingies.....I'll see if I can find the link.....

    • Gold Top Dog

    Here it is....Xebby and her 40lbs, black and white, erect eared IRISH WOLFHOUND mix...TEEHEE...


    • Gold Top Dog

    LoL.. Scratch that idea. It really doesn't matter to me what's in him anyway. I was just curious. We filled out an application for him today...He needs a lot of work, training wise. But were going to do our best to reach his potential if we get him. The staff said he didn't know any commands yet. However, once we started interacting with him we realized he knows sit and paw perfectly...So I'm sure he's had some sort of training. He just needs serious work on the leash.

    • Gold Top Dog


    My guess is lab/pit/weim with something else creating the wavy parts of the coat. He is precious though!  When do you get him?