
    • Gold Top Dog

    What other qualities are you looking for (as far as fitting in with your family)? And are you looking for a pointer/retriever? Just retreiver? With pheasant would you want a dog to flush, as well? As you know goldens, poodles and GWP's are bred for going to perform different functions in the field, did you have a preference?

    I second those who say go with folks who breed and use their dogs in the field.  Most have inherent ability to hunt, but those from a field breeder are socialized to birds from a young age and usually to gun shot.

    How exciting!  I'm getting into hunting/field work with my weim and have been learning a ton... what a whole new world it is! :)


    • Gold Top Dog

     *cough cough* Flat Coated Retriever :-p not that I'm partial or anything....all that aside I wouldn't go for mix I would get in touch with breeders who breed dogs for hunting and watch their dogs in action.  Get up close feel (where possible) of the different breeds used in hunting to get idea of which your most drawn to. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     A little OT, but I have a really nice Flat Coat in my therapy dog class right now.   I have always liked them, but you don't see many around here.

    • Gold Top Dog

    This topic is a little old.  We decided on a pointer/retriever and chose a Brittany.  I made a separate post on the breed board titled "So we finally made up our mind" or something similar with pics.  We got a pup with a very good pedigree that had hunting parents and full siblings.

    I do appreciate everyone taking the time to reply and offer advice!