Breeds That Aren't For You

    • Gold Top Dog



    I would never own a Lab, only because it seems like just about everyone has a Lab! 

    Hehe....thats what I said! LOL! But I have one. I love him to bits. Ya never know when one of those no-no dogs will steal your heart!

    I used to be the same way."Oh everyone has a Lab" way of thinking but now that I have one and have experienced thier loyalty/energy/trainability its like "Oh, THIS is why they are so popular!" lol

    I totally agree with you. I've only owned Labs...I love 'em!

    I don't care what breeds people have. I wouldn't not get a dog that suited me just because it's common.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Breeds that I don't see myself owning (this isn't too say I don't love the breed - I just think it would be a disasterous combination):  

    Husky, GSD, English Bulldog, Rottweiler, Border Collie, Australian Cattle Dog, any livestock guardian breed, and several others.  

    I actually love the Huskys, GSG, Rotties, BC, ACD and English Bulldog - but I don't think they would be a good fit for me and the SO.   

    • Gold Top Dog

    "Most hounds - I'm sorry, it's the bark, lol. But I think a lot of the hound breeds are very pretty!" LOL that's what I thought when my fiance said he wanted Beagles. The bark grew on me and now I think it's darling, though I bet my neighbors would say otherwise ;)


    Pugs, poodles, schnauzers, Italian Greyhounds all for looks. I mean all dogs are cute in their own way, just not for me.

    Though I'm sure Great Danes can be wonderful dogs and I think they're gorgeous, I've never had a good experience with one. I hear it's not the norm, but I've had a few be very aggressive with me, and the best case scenarios they were stand-offish and snarky with my dogs even when being greeted politely.

    Goldren retrievers. Weird I know! I just don't like the look, though they're always so sweet and wonderful.


    I don't dislike any dog, though. All deserve wonderful loving homes.

    • Gold Top Dog

     This place makes it difficult to pick any breeds that i wouldn't want.  In different situations there aren't too many I wouldn't own.

    Lets see, based on my situation right now, I'd say the hairless breeds are out.  And any small very short haird breed, like a chi or minpin.  I'm not totally opposed to dressing a dog, up but if they actually require it for warmth, well IMO they just don't belong up here.  

    Any true Wolf Hybrid.  Just too much dog for me.  

    Black and Tan Doxies have a bad connotation for me.  Its the only dog that has ever bit me and as a result I give off nervous vibes around them and they don't seem to like that for some reason...Confused  I can deal with the red ones though.  

    I used to have an aversion to Dobies for kind of the same reason, but that's gone now.  I'd totally have one as long as it was a big muscular confident one and not like the sketchy scrawny one that used to fence chase us on our way home from school.  

    I'm not a fan of dogs who have beards that need constant cleaning or nasty tear stains.  And yet, bearded collies have really been appealing to me lately.  Meh, who knows.

    • Gold Top Dog




    I would never own a Lab, only because it seems like just about everyone has a Lab! 

    Hehe....thats what I said! LOL! But I have one. I love him to bits. Ya never know when one of those no-no dogs will steal your heart!

    I used to be the same way."Oh everyone has a Lab" way of thinking but now that I have one and have experienced thier loyalty/energy/trainability its like "Oh, THIS is why they are so popular!" lol

    I totally agree with you. I've only owned Labs...I love 'em!

    I don't care what breeds people have. I wouldn't not get a dog that suited me just because it's common.


    I never understood this reasoning either.  People care that much about what dogs others have that they would use that as their sole reason to count out a breed?  Bizarre.   

    • Gold Top Dog
    Let me preface this by stating that I love all animals, but could probably not see myself owning the following by choice: - Jack Russell - Way too much high strung energy. The ones I've met have all been "in your face" pushy with other dogs, bordering on neurotic, bouncing off the walls. That's been *my* experience. Really any dog that's super high-strung is a turn off for me. - Any dog that drools buckets. I couldn't see myself cleaning up drool all the time. We had a St. Bernard that used to come in to the office and I absolutely adored him, BUT the drooling was absolutely disgusting. It was like huge gobs of snot and when he left my office, everything was covered in it..... paperwork, desk, my shoes, walls....... I couldn't get enough of him, but the drool was a turn off..... - Poodle - I dunno, they just don't do anything for me. I feel like they seem to be a "snobby" sort of dog. Maybe it's just the owners. :) (Please don't take offense.....this has just been my experience.) - Westie - personal experience again. Neighbor dog completely turned me off to the breed. Those are the ones that immediately came to mind. I would also say that if I ever get another dog down the road, it will be one that doesn't require lots of grooming. I adore my dogs, they are my world and I would do anything for them, but the grooming *is* a pain in the ass. I can't do it myself and have to take them to a groomer. Fortunately we have a great groomer who does fantastic work, they love going there and she gives me almost 2-for-1 pricing because I refer so many people to her.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I think I could say that the one breed not for me is the Akita. The risk can be greatin public or in having other pets. From what I have learned here about them. They don't "pack" like normal dogs. Even though they can make friends here and there. They are one owner dogs. They love the one human and tolerate others. When they do fight, it is not ritualized aggression to reach a common ground or even establish a social order. They fight until the opponent is not breathing anymore. When the establish a grudge that grudge is forever, or nearly. That is, they have an elephantine memory. The local shelter on one of their mobile pet adoption things had an Akita in with other dogs. That Akita fought the same dog twice, leaving the other dogs alone. The second fight resulted in blood. The Akita got nicked by the other dog (a spaniel I think). Nevertheless, the Akita was pts because he couldn't quit. One person asked who would be silly enough to put the Akita in general population? Excellent question. I prefer a dog that can handle being around other dogs, at least within reason.

    Because DW and I both have to work, our dog has to spend some of the time out in the back yard (fenced). So, the dog must have a coat capable of withstanding temperatures from 100 +F down to 15 F, on average. So a hairless dog would be out. Sometimes, our goddaughter gets to visit. So the dog must be good with humans. So, I'd rather the dog not be a guard dog. Or at least not trained to guard. I don't need him/her deciding what the humans can do.

    A dog that doesn't hate every other dog. We will meet other dogs, we have dogs as neighbors. Even with the bossy, barky border collie neighbor, Shadow presents his side, even as he is barking. I guess Shadow is just right for us. He is double coated. I've only seen him use his dog house when sleet is coming down because those pellets can hurt. But otherwise, he will be at the north gate, basking in the north wind, waiting for me to come home.

    I tend to like medium to large breeds. Although Shadow's best friend as a puppy was a Jack Russell Terrier named Duke. Duke was re-homed with some people who live near Lake Texoma. Duke got out and near as they can tell, he met his fate with a coyote. If I had any inkling such a thing would have happened, I would have asked to take Duke, too.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ron's post reminds me that I would never want a Fila Brasilero or any hard core guarding breed. Also Mastiffs and other giant breeds- too big and powerful.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hold on, does Gingerbread have a new brother??

    • Gold Top Dog
    Willow, that's what I want to know! Is that a new puppy I spy!?
    • Gold Top Dog

    Yep, that's Peanut. We've had him for about 2 months, but I just got pics of him uploaded.