Is this a Pointer?

    • Puppy
    others have said she looks like a english pointer. She does have that hound bark.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I've only met about a dozen english pointers (plus Jazzie and Jif who I haven't actually met) but she doesn't look like an english pointer to me.  I've never heard a pointer with a hound like bark either - most of what I've heard is a whiney, sing-song type of "talking" with little or no guarding bark.

    Perhaps there is some beagle blood in her as well, that would explain the stockiness.

    • Gold Top Dog

    What a beautiful dog!  GSP are usually very lean through the back area so he/she is over weight.  Too bad they don't allow it some social time and walks.  Any dog I know that is tied lunges and barks they just want to be loose.  My own dog years ago was a babe, but when I would tie him outside inbetween walks he would lung at people and bark like crazy.

    • Puppy


    I have seen pics of dogs that look very similar and have been told by some that have owned pointers that this is what she is.



    she at least at this point is missing the usually boxy snout, but a side view  would show that the head is identicle. And there is that bark, Im thinking pointer/ coonhound

    • Gold Top Dog

    She could be part Pointer but I don't think she is GSP---it is hard to tell with this photo because it is taken from above---a side view would be good but the coloring seems right for Pointer.

    A Pointer's head has a distinctive shape---the "stop" is very pronounced. At seven months and 50 pounds she is pretty big and is in the middle of the weight range for pointers.  How tall is she? I wish I could see her legs better...

    I'm sure I have been no help at all...Tongue Tied

    • Gold Top Dog

     I'm confused.  The OP's photo is a rather fat German Shorthaired Pointer.  (maybe a little lab - but just for size)

    Same question different dog.  This dog is a rescue she looks to most like a pointer. She does have a deep hound bark occasionally.

    Were you referring to the above post?  This pup looks like it is mostly hound of some kind.  Those ears are definitely too big for either a GSP or English Pointer.   Maybe a coonhound of some sort. 

    • Gold Top Dog


    I've never heard a pointer with a hound like bark either - most of what I've heard is a whiney, sing-song type of "talking" with little or no guarding bark.

    Yep, that's true,  they don't bay like a hound.  They "yodel" and "yummer" when they're unhappy.  Not easy to get an English pointer to bark much.  Sometimes, when when Grace is really excited, she will "A-Rooo" - that's the max.   

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh I love me some GSP's!

    Rory and Primo have a GSP friend, this is Willie.....

    Not to sound mean but he really is one of the dumbest dogs I've ever met, LOL. He had parvo when he was younger and was nursed back to health so maybe it fried his brain a little. I preffer the ones like VM.....with more chocolate coloring. I used to think I wanted one but they are just to rambunctious for me. Maybe they all anrt like that but Willie is the biggest escape artist I've ever met.

    • Gold Top Dog

     A fellow bird dog person reminds me that only about 1% of these dogs (usually the AKC registered dogs) are purchased as house pets.  The rest are bred and purchased to be hard-wired hunting dogs. - especially English Pointers.  They are all really good at escaping a yard to follow a bird (or, heaven forbid, a rabbit).  They require a lot of exercise and training from an early age to truly be a good companion dog. 

    One thing that I love about the English Pointers is that they are specifically bred to be non-aggressive, quiet and pretty mellow inside (no birds around).  I trust Grace implicitly with my grand kids.  GSPs can be a bit more feisty, but they stay closer to the handler off lead.     


    • Puppy

    She does look like exactly like some pointers Ive seen. Does not have that distinktive stop that most E pointers have though. There is that loud deep warning bark that is hound like. she has many diff barks

    Im thinking pointer w maybe some type of coonhound?


    sim pointers


    • Gold Top Dog

    Here is my neighbor's dog doing the pointer thing.  Again, the dog is quite far away and I can see it better in pics than in person.  Now I can see it's a fat pointer.


    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    jiml, those heavy rounded ears, and the fact that the jowls are pretty close to the bottom of her chin, makes me think she isn't so much of a scent hound.  Look at Jif and Jazzie and the other pointers posted - their jowls hang lower (I know there's another term, but it's escaping me.)  Your dog's face makes a pretty neat appearance when you look at her straight on.  She looks more like a Treeing Walker Coonhound w/out the tan.


    • Gold Top Dog
    IAWTP - I'd call her a hound mix. I've seen some neat-faced pointers but they're not that common. And I *have* seen hounds marked just like her.