What breed of dog for me? *Thanks for all the help, we have decided*

    • Gold Top Dog
    Omg, he's cute! Sounds like a decent breeder to me. Congrats on the new pup!
    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks! I think he is absolutly adorable. I really tried to find a decent breeder. Most of the breeders closer to us were not good at all. Their dogs didn't look like papillons, they were breeding tons of dogs (many were different breeds and designer dogs), they were kept in kennels and not socialized, they were selling them at 6 weeks, some were marketing them as tiny, micro, pocket papillons. So, I looked further away to find a decent breeder that was breeding more responsibliy. Hopefully we will have years of fun to come.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    he looks like a sweetheart, congrats!


    check out the nutrition part for some great food advise. =]

    • Gold Top Dog

    Good for you!! I wish all people were as conscientious when buying a pup - and of course, we must see more pics as time goes on ;) 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Aw shoot, the link didn't work for me but congrats on your soon to be new arrival!  And yes, thank you for doing research and not making an impulse decision and working to find a good breeder.  Looking forward to seeing pics.  I really want a Pap!  I'm jealous!

    • Gold Top Dog

    The link didn't work for me either?  But congrats on your puppy, and good for you for checking out your breeder Smile