Name this dog

    • Gold Top Dog


    he is verry predatory with small animals and dogs which is to say I have to watch him very close, he goes down to a stalking position

    Does he look like this dog when he does this?

    You can find more images and information about Kelpies here:

    Your dog looks remarkably like this dog:

    Allowing for the mix with a Northern sledding breed (the high held tail is more or less a dominant feature in mixes), he sounds a lot like the Kelpies I've known.

    My motto in the "name that breed" game is if you hear hoofbeats, don't go looking for zebras.  The odds of your dog being a Siberian/Kelpie cross are much greater than his being an East Siberian Laika.  You are aware of the fact that there are maybe half a dozen of these dogs in the entire continent


    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm very close to you, and I find that there are TONS of husky mixes around here.  Not so much Kelpies...

    I see husky, or maybe some Shep or Shep mix in there?  Like Husky x Husky Shep? 

    Or He could be a Husky from racing lines...  There's more sled dogs around here than you might think! 

    Especially in Quebec, where he was found!  (I just reread that post..)  You'll see many dogs that look just like that around the sled dog circuit.

    Just to give you an idea, these are purebred Siberians from racing lines:¤t=HPIM4389.jpg 

    They don't all look like Snow Dogs!  LOL! 

    And I have a husky that looks like a Kelpie at times, comes when called, and stalks things, just like in that photo brookcove posted!  Stick out tongue

    I guess I'm saying that, given the way he looks, and if he was found up in Quebec, I'm betting he's a sled dawg, probably mostly, if not all Siberian, though he is on the large side for that.  I'd love to see what he'd do if you slapped a harness on him! 



    • Bronze

    yes hi does............. except for tail which is up like a boomerang :) 

    • Bronze

    see I am new to husky circuit so I did not noticed them:) as to the mix idea I did consider it, like German Shepard and husky or malamute or even rotti and husky but ( he is on a bigger side) but I kind of rejected  because of his markings and appearance, I seen more pictures of ESL and his markings do match very closely his general appearance and breed description is match to.. I did an extensive  research into different types of dogs and closest I come is ESL thats why I am asking people here to help me pin point it more :) as further characteristics for example the way he moves, :) he run with huskies in the leash free park and they look the same.. you know husky gait, husky talk ( which is so funny), running in teams with other huskies nd different type of play I did noticed he plays different with other breed than plays with huskies, but there is other un husky behavior like barking being a watchdog when we are at home being aggressive toward males stalking and hunting others furry animals being small dogs or chipmunks or squirrels. all that made me think he might be a laika......... and laikas were bred from other types of Siberians so maybe someone in Quebec when they were breeding their dogs come close to matching those types.. who knows .....thats the mystery of his origin:) i know there is only about 100 or so registered ESL in north America so for someone loosing one is pretty rare and they would do everything they could to get that dog back,unless they were hunting or ding something illegally at the time he was found and couldn't come and claim it ( which I admit is very far retched theory:)Devil so most likely in he is a mix of husky with something but I have no idea he is a mystery to me and I don't think I will ever know:) I like to think he is laika but no matter what he is he is a gorgeous handsome dog very sweet and amazing and I am so lucky to have him:)  soon I will post more pictures of him but it has to be in his page because for some reason I cannot post it here:) doesn't work for me on my comp, I like to thank you all guys for your input and comments:)

    • Gold Top Dog

    wow mississauga!  i am not far from you at all!

    You have a goregous dog