Does is work having a dog in an apartment-which breeds.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Something that I did not see mentioned that I feel is very important when considering dogs and apartments is that if you decide on certain breeds you will have a much more difficult time finding somewhere to rent.  When I have browsed rental sites some of the dogs I've seen prohibited are pit bulls (and pit bull "types" such as American Staffordshire Terriers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers), rottweilers, Dobermans, German Shepards, chow chows, huskies, akitas, bull terriers, presa canarios, and wolf hybrids.

    7 years ago my daughter and husband had to rehome thier Pitty , ( sorry I like that name and Raven was embarrassingly sweet!),  they had bought a home and the closing was held up because they could not get home owner's insurance with a Pit Bull !!  Folks all over the area had Pits but my "Dumb" kids were honest and proud of her. 

    Bonita of Bwana

    • Silver


           I have a Pomeranian and live in an apartment above a horse barn. For emergencies or when I can't get him outside, I have a litter box for him. Poms are super smart and pick up on litter training very quickly. They have tons of energy, but are good for apartment living because all they have to do is run laps around the apartment. At least, Fritz enjoys that as well as rapidly spinning in circles! LOL! You do have a small child, and even though I've never experienced it, I've heard that they are not very good with children. It's probably because of their size and they don't feel comfortable with an aggresive child and may be likely to snap. Good luck with your search!!