German Shepherd Stacking..

    • Gold Top Dog

    One of the reasons GSDs stack this way is to show off the loin and length of body.  All GSDs, no matter what the line or angulation, will stand "under themselves" when they are four square.  Their hind ends are meant to be that way, and thus, standing them for square doesn't show off the body length.

    Even if you stack them four square, it is not the same, and you will find a good many dogs will become very front heavy, as they lean forward to balance themselves.  This in turn will lend to a dog that will either move one rear foot forward anyway, or a dog that will cowhock to maintain its balance in the rear.  Doesn't present a very pretty picture.

    Strauss standing in a "natural" four square position 

    Strauss standing in a hand stacked four square position

    Strauss stacked properly in the yard.

    Notice how he looks too short through the loin, and even a bit roachy in the first two pictures.  He is also leaning forward to compensate for balance, and in the second picture where I hand stacked him four square, he become very front heavy, and even moved his front feet forward to balance.  Now he's posting, AND his head has dropped, as it is very uncomfortable for him to maintain a position like that.  Usually when he comes and stands in front of me and he stands square, his rear end will cowhock, and generally he'll move a rear foot forward after that so he balances better.

    And as you can all see, he is not an extreme dog.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thank you Xeph!!! It's easier to see with the pics for comparison.  They do indeed look far more balanced when stacked.

    I also agree with the previous poster that sometimes a stack can hide certain things.  If I overstretch Kenya just a teeny-tiny bit, she looks a lot better/smoother along the top.