Basenji Breeder

    • Gold Top Dog

    Basenji Breeder

    I have been wanting a Basenji FOREVER and I think I may be ready for a puppy or young basenji next fall/winter.

    The only thing is...I cant find a breeder or rescue very close. Crying

    Does anybody know of any breeders or possibly a rescue in or around Illinois?

    Thanks in advance. :]

    • Gold Top Dog

    where in Illinois are you?

    Here is a link to the Basenji Club of America - to help you decide if this breed is right for you =]

    Here is a link to Basenji recues nation wide - (there is one contact in Illinois)

    Here are a bunch of listings on Petfinder in the norhtern Illinois/IN area. I typed in the zip code for where I used to live, might have different results depending on where you are.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Basenjis are normally born about this time of year - end of Nov, Dec, early Jan, so there's an abundance of basenji pups ready for thier new home around Feb/March.  Rescue basenjis are "ripe" year round.  I'd visit a few breeders and talk to rescue people in your area.  I'm sure if you've done your research, you know that basenjis certainly are not the breed for everyone, but if they are a good fit for you, you may become quite devoted to the breed and find you can't have just one.  Early socialization is critical in this breed, so if you don't have a lot of flexiblity in your schedule, you may want to get a rescue.  Here's a good start for your area:



    There are several really good breeders in IL, but I'm not sure of the distance from you.  AB (Adventureland Basenjis) has pics up of her new tri litter.  These pups are actually have the same grandmother (AB Princess Chinyamarindi) as my Zpuppy.   Princess has produced many, many gorgeous Ch's.  Basenjis as a breed are quite do-able for the owner-handler to finish a dog to his Ch, if you decide you'd like to do conformation showing.  Even a novice owner-handler.

    Before you get your new basenji, you also need to be familiar with health issues in the breed.  We now have a DNA test for Fanconi.  If you're buying from a breeder, make sure this has been done.


    You also may want to read up on the African Stock project.

     Also google "Lukuru basenjis" and "Avuvi basenjis" for the most recent imports.


    And if you have any specific questions, just give me a holler.  I've been sharing my home with a basenji since 1990.  And I've done conformation, coursing, agility, rally and therapy work with my guys, so don't be shy about questions especially if you think you'd like to do some dog sports.

    And if you like to research pedigrees, put this link in your favorites:

    • Gold Top Dog


    I have been wanting a Basenji FOREVER and I think I may be ready for a puppy or young basenji next fall/winter.

    The only thing is...I cant find a breeder or rescue very close. Crying

    Does anybody know of any breeders or possibly a rescue in or around Illinois?

    Thanks in advance. :]


    You might want to PM agilebasenjis.  She might have some connections within the breed.

    • Gold Top Dog


    did you get my response to your pm?

    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm not sure of any breeders or rescues, but i just had a little piece of info to add :) Well I've always wanted a Basenji too and have done TONS of research, and most breeders tend to breed in the summer/spring I found. So it might be hard to get one in the winter. Good luck finding your new baby!
    • Puppy

    I'm over the west side of Ohio...would be happy to talk to you...


    • Gold Top Dog

    Hi Hicotn!  Folks, Hicotn is a wonderful, dedicated breeder to basenjis.  She has put many many hours into expanding our gene pool so future generations can have healthy basenjis in their home.  She has done great things to spearhead the Lukuru basenji effort.  If anyone is thinking basenjis puppies, take advantage of her offer.  She is very knowledgable about both the domestic basenjis and the more recent African imports.  Waaay more than I am.  She also has lovely original embroidered shirts.  (CarolAnn - you probably know me better as Digital's mom Wink since "agilebasenji" could be about 3 or 4 different people in basenji-dom.)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I adore the look of the breed and have read the brief overview given in the breed books.  I don't have any plans to get a Basenji, but my niece also has fallen in love with the breed.  I see you have said, "certainly not the breed for everyone".  What are you referring to, specifically?

    I have not read anything about the breed that would lead me to believe there were any unusual challenges.  What are the best resources for a true insight to this breed?  This will be her very first dog, on her own.  She has had dogs while growing up at home.  She is newly married and eager to have one of her own.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Here's a good place to start about owning basenjis: STORIES/default.htm


    I find many people's idea of having a dog includes off-leash walks in the park/woods, games of fetch, a dog looking adoringly at them, a dog that's easy to train, etc.  The basenji doesn't really fit any of that.  Most are distructive if not crated, high-prey drive coupled with a huge streak of independence makes off-lead walks almost impossible,  they can be same-sex aggressive, they are very self-serving and quite determined to get what they want, the owner has to work hard to motivate this breed for training to be successful.  Patricia McConnell in her book For the Love of a Dog says that basenji's "behavior is also more similiar to their wild cousins' than to the beavior of the collie down the block."  Early socialiation of these dogs are also more important than your average lab.  Having said all that, good breeders have made huge strides forward with repect to temperment.  I'd encourage your neice to contact and visit breeders on the Basenji Club of America website.  Ask lots of questions and interact with the dogs if she hasn't.  Susuan Coe has a very good basenji book out as does the Evergreen Basenji club.  I see one at amazon and the other you can find at  If your neice is in Colorado and wants to meet some or if she has some specific questions, please have her pm me.  I'm happy to assist.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Agilebasenji- I never got the response to your PM...:[

    sorry i havnt been on for a while, my computer is messed up and doesnt work most of the time.

    • Gold Top Dog

    After reading all the links a few times, I dont know if our house is proper for them. We have a chainlink fence, rabbits, chickens, cats, birds and chinchillas plus 4 other dogs at the time (the rabbits, chickens, and cats live outside, but the rabbits and chickens have their own part of the yard that is blocked off...). I think I would be worried about them climbing the fence if it saw a rabbit, squirrel or our chickens. I know this is probably a stupid question, but would there be any way to keep them from climbing the fence? We leave all the dogs outside for 15 mins at a time (or when ever they want to come back in) when we let them out to potty and to play, and then bring them back in.

    If our house isnt proper for a basenji I wont get one, I wouldnt want to risk it getting hit by a car by climbing the fence...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Some basenjis climb; some basenjis don't.  Some are more determined than others.  If you're getting a puppy, it may be hard to tell if you will have an adult climber or not.  You may get lucky with a rescue.  Personally, I'd love to have a rabbit, but have come to the sad conclusion that having a rabbit would be unfair to my basenjis and the rabbit.  And I couldn't come up with a way to be 100% sure the rabbit would be safe barring keeping the rabbit in another building (not room, building) that the basenjis never had any access to.  And what kind of fun is that?  So, no rabbit for me.  When we filled out the application for our rescue malinois, one of the questions was "Do you have any small animals that you wish to keep?"   Personally, I'd say your home sounds less than ideal for a basenji.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks for the help. :]

    I guess I'll just have to wait until I have a more ideal place for one..:[

    • Gold Top Dog

    Happy to help anytime I can.  Basenjis are a special breed and certainly worth the wait if you're that basenji-slave type person.