What kind of dog to get? Help please!

    • Silver

     An Update.


    I have adopted a dog from mylocal shelter. They received a whole bunch at once and had a few there now.

     His name is Chester, he's a Dachshund x. He is 3 years old.

    He was adopted by people and then returned a year later because they didn't want to take care of him.

    He is very shy and very quiet.  First day he was very afraid of everything throwing up a few tiems and wont eat.

    He's getting ltos of love and he loves it. But is still hesitant to do anything. Always looks for approval. When called he will come half way... stop and look at you... then slowly come the rest. I think he was yelled at a lot. Loves to go on walks... responds to 'go outside" "sit" "down" "stay" "come" is very smart it seems.

    He loves his little bed and spends most his time int he house there quietly on the floor beside mine. I have only had him for two days but hes giving kisses now seems a bit happier. Likes to approach me now for attention but wont jump up or go on bed or couch, which is good. I'll keep him that way. If he's bad he immediately stops when you give him that tone of voice and runs to his bed. So far he is very good. With more love and time I think he will be a bit more playful and happier. Once he doesnt feel neglected anymore.

     I just hope his quietness and energy stays at the level it is now. Outside he loves to run but gets tired after a few mins and stops :)


    I'll post more as time goes on .. here is a pic of him. Hes a bit plumper then a weiner dog and not as long. Doesn't have the weiner build.

    19 lbs. 3 years old. 

     Chester @ 3 Years




    • Gold Top Dog

    Congrats on getting Chester.  He looks like a real sweetie.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Congrats!!  He's sooo cute!  I'm sure he will get more comfortable as time goes on.  Personally I think he looks like a beagle or part beagle at least. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Maybe the mix is dashound/beagle.  At any rate, he's a cutie!!  I'm sure with plenty of love he'll get over some of his aprehensiveness (sp?).  I guess I'll start the requests for more pics.....please?

    • Gold Top Dog

    A lucky dog to be rescued by you! A real cutie too! Congratulations!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Congratulations, what an adorable dog!   I'm glad he's coming around a little and giving kisses, it sounds like you are drawing him out of his shell.  He definitely looks like a Beagle/Dachshund mix to me. 

    • Silver

     i took him to the vet today. she said he probably mixed with a beagle as well.....

     hes in good health... got a rabies shot

    hes feeling a lot more at home now... gets a bit overexcited and doesnt come everytime.. most of the time but not always when he's running. need to work on that with him. he doesnt seem to like toys but likes to roll around... still warming up i think...


    I'll post some more pictures this weekend.. busy work week for me. thanks for all the comments!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Chester is adorable!  Looking forward to more pics Big Smile