Is this a pure breed GSD?

    • Bronze

    Just about to get him wormed and off to the vet for shots and checkup.

    • Bronze

    What kind of temper does the Shepherd / Doberman mix have? It sounds agressive, but I might be wrong ...

    • Gold Top Dog

     no not at all!! mine never were anyway.... but i was a kid... i never had anywhere to go, didnt hang out with friends at the mall after school so i spent all my spare time with my dogs...

     The temperament mine all had was mellow, very relaxed, very much the same personality as ... sofa cushions... but in a good way Big Smile they werent lazy.. just large calm indoor dogs.

    one of them was like my shadow.. anywhere i went he was sure to follow. he only growled at one person and that was when the guy next door surprised us both..

    another one i had (dobie/aussie/pit) was a bit more active but not a mean bone in his body. he was also my shadow. he had more of the aussie herding instincts with just a smidgen of protectiveness from the dobie. but i could take him anywhere and not worry about him acting like a psycho..


    with either breed... you get what you put into them. you can either get the best or the worst out of either mix (and i am only guessing at the dobie part, i could be way off!) but i've owned pure breds and mixes of dobies and shepherds and NEVER had a problem with any of them.. but that was probably because i put a lot of work and time into them.


    • Gold Top Dog

    yeah I would say its not a pure shepherd...neverless she/he looks beatiful...

    • Gold Top Dog
    Hard to tell by the pics. He's also very young to tell just by looking at him. Talk to a vet and maybe they can tell you. He's very cute either way :)