
    • Gold Top Dog

    $1500 is a lot, but like you said...knowing the dog came from a loving breeder that cares about the health of the dog and knows a lot about the breed it well worth it! There aren't many dalmatian breeders out there at all, so finding a good one had proven to be difficult. I also feel bad for all the dals that are in rescue groups, it simply isn't fair that they can be brought into this world just for profit, without even considering the dog may not be as healthy as can be. Many also have behavioral problems because their owners didn't give them enough socialization as a pup.

    • Gold Top Dog

    OP, if you'd like Lindsay to post an inquiry for you, please email me (trainsdogs@gmail.com) or her (springingpups@gmail.com) with your contact info and she'll post it to the Showdals list for you. Going price for pet quality puppies from reputable breeders is $600-800 or so. So $1500 is out of line for a pet, and I don't THINK you were looking for a showdog, were you?  

    • Puppy

    I'm Lindsay, also known as springingpups...although on here I'm k9waggingtails. ;)

    I'm not overly impressed with Fyrehouse. $1500 is a chunk of change for a pet-quality Dal, and their last litter doesn't have a super pedigree (no champions in the last two generations).

    If you'll write up a description of what you're looking for in a dog and a bit about yourself (where you live, any kids, living situation, contact info, etc), and e-mail it to me,, I'll post it on the ShowDals list so breeders can get in touch with you.



    • Gold Top Dog

    I live in Wisconsin-Milwaukee area and would appreciate it if you could post a couple of breeders closest to us. I sometimes have questions about allergies and would love to speak to a breeder about remedies and food .The rescue has helped me , but info is kind of vague and I know dealing with allergies is so difficult.    Thank You.

    • Puppy

    Check the Dalmatian Directory at http://dalmatiandirectory.com/state.html to find local breeders.


    • Gold Top Dog

    A little late her but thought I'd chime in.  We had two rescue dalmations growing up (Abby and Raider).  They were wonderful loving, not aggressive dogs.  One had parvo right after we got him, he had not been vaccinated as a puppy apparently.  They both died of pancreatitis, about one year apart.  If was the first episode for both.  Not sure what caused it still, and I'm not positive that the second one died of pancreatitis since I wasn't living at home when she died.  This is per my mom.  One was 13 when he died, the other was 14.  No problems with allergies.  I hope to have another one someday when I get a house and a yard. 

    • Gold Top Dog


    Check the Dalmatian Directory at http://dalmatiandirectory.com/state.html to find local breeders.


                 Thank you for the link,Lindsay.      Gosh,I sure hope that doesn't happen to Maizy--she's 4 now and appears to be healthy, but I will read up on that pancreitis though. Thanks for the info ottoluv
    • Gold Top Dog

    Lindsay thanks for the info! If I do end up deciding on getting a dalmatian then I will send them a message. My fiancee and I are still considering two other breeds. Thanks for everyone's input!