Thoughts on these two breeds: Basenji and Akita Inu?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I know its an old thread but since I own an Akita I have to say, WOW at all these negative comments about Akita's. Yes, they are a strong breed but if you have a good head on your shoulders you can own one. My boy is the biggest goofball, loves to play with my kids, protects my 8mth old boy, Snuggles with our cats and is great with the neighbors. Once again, having a good head on your shoulder is key, be stern and they will know thier place... Stop with the Akita hating!!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

     IME Basenjis are extremely primitive dogs menaing they have a lot of "wild dog" behjaviors still hard wired in. They don't tend to like to be confined and I have known multiples who would injure themselves trying to escape from their crates. They also can be quite destructive as far as chewing up "stuff" goes. They certainly can be same sex aggressive with other dogs and they tend to overall be a bit "sharp" (reactive). They are not really quiet dogs, even though they don't "bark" they can make a lot of noise. Of course in the right home, they can be great :)

     A breed I would suggest you look into is a Kai Dog or Kai Ken, another Japanese spitz type breed. They are medium sized, dark brindle with the typical spitz look. They have a less extreme temperament than Akitas, a bit more willing to please and less independent than most Spitz breeds and tend to get along well with other dogs.