Doberman Discussions

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    • Gold Top Dog
    Scarlette has to go in for surgery on Thursday to remove some tumors. Some good luck vibes would be much appreciated.

    How did I miss that? Well, I think I was distracted by the photos.  How did she do?? FINGERS CROSSED!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Well, I don't have a Dobie right now, but want to get another one some day. I've had 2 problems ones, but still love them.
    My first dog was a Dobie but I made the mistake of getting him from a bad breeder and he had a temperment problem. He had to be put down due to it. He hated other dogs and bit my mom 3 times while going after our Husky. He also did not like strange people or kids. If it was just other dogs I would have been able to find another home for him as an only dog, but I wasn't going to knowingly put a dog that could bite someone, out there.
    I had another one that I thought I had gotten from a good breeder, but turned out I was wrong. Unlike the first one he had a great temperment and loved everyone. But from day one he was peeing way too much, he'd go out and pee. We'd come back in and he'd  immedietely go again. I brought him to my vet and had a new one who proceeded to tell me, without saying it but implied it the whole time, that I just didn't know how to housebreak a puppy. This after I'd successfully housebroken my Aussie, and helped with my mom's dogs and the afore mentioned Husky, plus some foster pups along the way. She finally decided to test his urine and he had a bladder infection. We got some antibiotics, went back like she said, it wasn't gone, got some more drugs. After the infection was gone he was still peeing too much and they still didn't believe me anything was wrong with him, "I just didn't know how to house break him." So I found a new vet and started again with them. They tried a wait and see, then tried putting him on Proin. He got fixed and was still going too much. At 8 months old he would pee in his pen every day, not just a little either. It was soaked. My vet ended up doing 2 x-rays with dye and found out he had what's called Pelvic bladder. That's where his bladder was up in between his pelvic bones instead of being where it should be so he couldn't hold as much urine in it, hence why he was having to go so much. There was nothing I could do from there. There was an experimental surgery that I couldn't afford, especially seeing as it wasn't a guranteed to work surgery. I ended up bringing him to Home for Life where he could live the rest of his life as I didn't want to put him down.
    So, now I'm left wanting one but not able to have one at this time. When I can get one, I am going to look at rescue, but if they don't have one that would fit with my life, I'd have to find a breeder. And I have no idea how to find a good Doberman breeder when that time comes. Even though I hate to say it, I think it worked out for the best as I now have a German Shepherd mix who's 100% my dog. He came from a shelter so I think he's one of the ones who knows he was rescued. My first Dobie liked my mom way, way, way too much. My second liked both of us, but my mom more, and my Aussie likes my mom most of the time, and only really likes me when my other dog is sitting on the couch with me. She's jelous.
    But I really, really want another Dobie some day.
    • Gold Top Dog
    A girl I'm in 4-H with has a beautiful brown female Doberman named Scarlet, I really admire the gorgeous dogs' contentness and alertness, watching her owner's every move and waiting for a command to respond to. Really a great dog.
    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    watching her owner's every move and waiting for a command to respond to. Really a great dog.

    So well-put... just how they are, too.  [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Sorry I'm so late, I just discovered this thread also. 
    This past Fathers Day I had my very first encounter with a Doberman.  I was a nervous wreck at first but after talking with the dogs owner about how the female was the only Doberman in the tri state area to be certified as a therapy dog, and how the dog participated in the read to a dog program at the local schools. It blew my mind at how intelligent and friendly she was.  I finally mustard up the courage to sit beside the dog, my nervousness went away when I had a big Doberman setting on my lap and licking my face.  I was stupid to ever believe that all Dobermans were stupid and how to never turn your back on them for fear of being attack.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm so happy to hear that you had such a positive experience with a Doberman!
    I don't know where you heard they were stupid, but they are one of the smartest and trainable breeds out there. They love their people and were born to protect humans so the idea of being attacked by one that is raised properly is ludicrous! Again, I am so glad you got to experience a hint of the love and devotion that they have for people. [:D]