Golden, PLEASE!

    • Gold Top Dog
    I think I see Golden & possibly some Brittany and possibly some Belgian Malinois. Check out how similar the side profile is of a purebred Mali of about the same age. He really looks like he'd be a great pet for anyone willing and able to keep him busy.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I always forget what some of the breeds look like.  Here is a picture of the Ridgeback which did not even dawn on me to consider.  I like the furrowed brows of the Ridgeback.
    The body of Archie and the Malinos are so similar.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh no!  A Mal avaliable in Michigan!  You should not have posted that *wink* [:D]
    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    I see golden in there and something leaner and smaller - 58lbs isn't a lab/golden mix or a lab or a golden size.  The ears and head shape seem very golden to me, my guess would be with a hound of some sort.  Bugsy's girlfriend is a golden and at 1 her coat was still not 'full' or mature.  Now as they approach 2, her coat is much fuller & longer so the length of coat may increase over time.
    he looks fun and full of the devil [sm=devil.gif]

    How's Essie?

    You are certainly the fairy dog father!  There are a lot of canines that could never thank you enough!!
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: kpwlee

    he looks fun and full of the devil [sm=devil.gif]

    How's Essie?

    Everything is a game with Archie.  He scratches at the back door and I think he wants to go outside.  I open the door and he doesn't go.  He just wanted to see me get up and open the door.

    In his food dish the meal includes a prune.  He takes the prune and places it outside of the dish.  I put it back in the dish.  He puts it outside the dish.  I do it again and he does it again.  He finishes his food and then eats the prune.  Dessert maybe?

    Yesterday we worked on COME and HOUSE.  It was a good start and he seemed to understand.  This morning, as I am going through my leaving the house routine and all the dogs come in the house, Archie decides its play and chase time.  I say come, he comes, nudges me and then runs away.  We do this a couple of times and then I decide to just sit and wait until he comes to me for a pet.  He sits right in front of me, just out of my reach and watches me with tilt head.  He would not be lured by a treat.  Eventually he did come to me.  Yes, Archie is going to be a lot of fun.

    Essie is doing great.  She's got 2 more weeks of HW rest and then she can play full force and then we advertise her for adoption.  Marvin has an inquiry from a family in Missouri.  The family loves Marvin looks and his antics.  The org did talk with the family and I think they were OKed.  They have 20 acres.  I need to talk to them next.
    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    oh he has the spirit of the bugster in him [sm=joker.gif]
    just the other day I had some fresh pineapple that needed finishing - Bugsy loves pineapple but not on that day.  sat in his bowl so when dinner time came I put his kibble etc in the bowl with the pineapple.  He who hoovers all food ate around the pineapple, but did bring a piece over to me and drop it on my foot (yuck) in a battle of wills I left it in his bowl.  After we had our dinner ( he must eat early or you will pay!) and he got no meat scraps he went over and ate the pineapple.
    Bugsy rings a bell to go out - if he believes you to be missing (you may be in the bathroom) he will ring the bell until you appear, you open the door and he runs the other way.
    And one of his favorite games ( fortunately not so much any more)  is the uh oh they are leaving and are going to incarcerate me in the house I must play chicken with them, just when they think they have me I will shoot off in a no holds barred zoomie - these slow humans haven't a chance!
    One of the funniest (now ) times was last year I guess he was about 10 months old and we were having a HUGE storm ( a named tropical storm).  We had a dinner to attend (very dressy) and decided to just let him out for a pee before we left not take him out fully dressed and in torrential rains. he had been doing so well.  Long story short he would not come in, we both wound up wet and he was soaked when we finally got him ( er he gave up)

    Anyway I hope he doesn't drive you too crazy when you have so much going on - I'm sure he will start to follow the others soon
    Sounds very promising for Marvin although I'm sure you will miss him
    Good girl Essie I have a real soft spot for her
    and of course we are praying, pulling adn hoping for Blizzard

    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: kpwlee

    Bugsy rings a bell to go out - if he believes you to be missing (you may be in the bathroom) he will ring the bell until you appear, you open the door and he runs the other way.

    *I am laughing so hard*  No bell ever in this house!  If Archie shows me the fun of practical jokes, well I just feel sorry for my fellow members and posters.  [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    From an adoptability standpoint, lab or Golden and Border Collie or Aussie are two great choices. Why not? They are both average breeds in the physical sense and it sounds like his personality falls right in there somewhere. Border Collies have a smooth coat variety, don't forget. ee yellow is dominant over almost every other color, so it doesn't matter what color one of the parents was, if the other passed on the yellow gene, yellow the dog will be.

    As far as what he really is, he is so far into the Medium Brown Dog range of genetics that I'd bet money it's going to take a long time in fostering or many years in his adoptive home to pick out anything particular in him. Go take a survey of what's roaming your neighborhoods right now, rank them by occurance, and the top four or five breeds is probably what he is, more or less.

    Tollers are bb "red" - liver colored nose and eye liner (and roof of mouth). They are so rare that a RR is more likely to factor in this dog's heritage.

    I liked the Brittany idea. Not for the color, same problem as above. But he looks a bit spaniel-y. Just a bit. Or there could be beagle way back there somewhere.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: polarexpress

    I definitely see smooth collie in there.

    My first impression was smooth collie/lab.  The nose is narrow enough and the earset high enough to warrant the collie being in there.
    • Gold Top Dog
    My first thought was Lab ears!  I was thinking Golden because of the tufty stuff, too, and when I saw the body shot from the side, it was screaming "Smooth Collie" at me.  But, I tend to think that this is just a doggie combination of several breeds.  I do not think Golden is the predominant one, because of the coat texture looking a bit too dense, but it may be different in person than in the photo.  Whatever he is, he's adorable.
    • Gold Top Dog
    That looks like a very nice and sweet dog.  She is mixed for sure and there are a lot of possibilities, but I think Golden is certainly a strong enough guess that you can in good conscience promote her as a Golden mix.  I do see Golden in the expression, the ears, and the tail feathering.  You could also very credibly tag her as a Lab mix.