opinions on breed?

    • Gold Top Dog
    we are thinking they are based on the geography of their adoptions!  We are going to try and meet up soon and let them meet each other. I think seeing them together will put more pieces of the puzzle together.  I know there were probably about 8 puppies in the litter Misty came from, and half of them were at one shelter, half at another....it's very likely they are sisters!!!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm really thinking Aussie/Golden or BC/Golden.  Those eyes look Golden to me and so does her body shape.  And after seeing the possible sibling, she's got a retriever-looking face.  Plus it's looking like she'll be pretty big!  Beautiful girl in any case!

    I've been meaning to take updated pictures of my shelter pup for guesses (the light blue merle below) who I was told was an Aussie mix, she looks more like a purebred every day, save having a tail!
    • Gold Top Dog
    your aussie is just lovely!!!
    I do see golden retriever in the eye shape, her loving nature and the pattern of her fur/tail and her body build....you could be right about that.
    She is somewhere in the low 40's weight wise, and about 20" to the shoulder right now...maybe taller.
    • Gold Top Dog
    we are thinking they are based on the geography of their adoptions! We are going to try and meet up soon and let them meet each other. I think seeing them together will put more pieces of the puzzle together. I know there were probably about 8 puppies in the litter Misty came from, and half of them were at one shelter, half at another....it's very likely they are sisters!!!

    Haha, that's so crazy!!! How neat. Small world, eh?