Jack Russel Terriers!

    • Bronze
    ORIGINAL: nigguysmom

    That makes no sense what-so-ever....are they trying to create a new breed with new breed standards?

    More or less yes, they are trying to create a certain standard unique to the certain name they are trying to carry(and it seems as if each reg has different standards). More or less it all stems from people saying that their type of russell is what the Parson (the man who developed the breed) originally had. There is no real concrete evedence as to what it was so they disagree. The true pictures that I have seen have showed about a square boxy type of dog though, but I've also read the history on the puddin's (the ones that are longer than they are tall), and yes they are JRT's just with a purpose of keep the rodent pop down rather than going to ground.
    It's all about the different body builds really, their still JRT's though, jsut like HOrses, you may have a really stock QH and a long and leggy QH, one may be used for ranch work and one for racing, they are still the same breed though and the people in QH industry are grown up enough not to try to argue about it and create totally new breeds from it. But this is somthing that most breeders will argue with you about till they are blue in the face at how one type is the true type. I do raise an occiasional litter but will own up to the truth on the matter.I don't agree with branching out like that and think it's gonna be the downfall of the breed one of these days.
    • Puppy
    I thought I would share some info on the name change.   It's sort of a More-Than-You-Ever-Wanted-To-Know type of thing though....so reader beware.
    The original Parson Russell Terrier was a mutt named Trump that the Parson Jack Russell Terrier used to hunt fox.  If you hunt fox in England, you need a dog that can run with hounds and horses - now not run WITH (as in side by side) hounds but stay on course with the hounds - darting/shaving the corners off the hounds straight lines when the game changes course.  Therefore the dog would need to have been more squarely built with a longer leg.  Other breeds were often thrown into the mix in order to create this ideal dog - NOT breed at the time but animal.  These dogs were called Jack Russell's terriers - later Jack Russells. 
    When the dogs were brought to the US and to Austraila, people often hunted on foot vs horses.  They also hunted a variety of game with created the need/desire to again breed a different type of terrier to fit their needs.  However, it was still a predominantly white bodied stable terrier and was still called a Jack Russell.
    When the original club in the states was formed (the JRTCA) they got a copyright on several varieties of Jack Russell - Parson Russell, Parson Jack Russell, etc.  The JRTCA still believes that the Jack is a "type" NOT a "breed" and a few other differences such as the height ranging from 10-15" vs the AKC's 12-15".  When a group broke off ( for LOTS of reasons and scandals) and wanted to go AKC, they initially called the breed the Jack Russell because that was the only way they could go. However, when the JRTCA offered to sell the copywritten Parson Russell namesake to the AKC parent club, the PRTAA (JRTAA at the time) bought it and the club decided by vote to change the name.
    Today's Jack Russell's are a white bodied stable terrier.  I have seen disqualifying colors (for ANY breed club), prick ears, shorties, oversized (for ANY breed club) and they call them ALL "Jacks".  Changing the name was to help clarify what the AKC breeders were breeding for - what they believe is the animal that the Parson would have used for fox hunting in England vs all the others that are out there.  In the UK, there are Parson Jack Russell Terriers - there is no such thing as a registered Jack Russell.  In Austraila, the Jack Russell's are shorties - similar body, short legs.  In the US, you will find only Parson Russell Terriers in the AKC, but in UKC you will find Jack Russell's with 2 varieties - the 10-12" and the 12-15". 
    There is also a group of shorties trying to form an AKC club now that call themselves the Russell Terrier.
    Is it confusing?  yes, but only until you have been around awhile.   All breeds were bred with a purpose.  The AKC and the JRTCA breeders still have the Parson (as in the person) and his goals and desires in mind when they breed a litter.  The shorties and the others have created a dog that met their needs long after the Parsons death and have every right to do so....but it does make it hard for a new comer to the breed with all these close names....
    And to really add some confusion to the mix - go take a look at the Wire Fox Terrier and the Smooth Fox Terrier - two totally different breeds now.  THEY are the old cousins of the Jack!  When people started taking "Jack's terriers" into the show ring, they started breeding for extremes creating these two new breeds!  Really, they are all the same dog from way back!  Except the WFT and SFT people will tell you that their breeds are what you get when you breed all the bad stuff out of the Jack Russell Terrier- although usually with a wink...but sometimes not.....
    What is important about this breed is to find a good responsible/respectable breeder that does the health check and clearances to keep this breed healthy and alsoonly works with dogs that have a good temperment!  There are some really wicked and unhealthy Jack/Parsons/Russells out there!  Do your homework and make sure that you can contact your breeder at any given time with questions.  Also, any good breeder will provide you with the numbers of the health clearances, have a sound contract and be willing to their dog back if you ever need to place it - being responsible for the dogs life even after it is sold.  You also want a breeder who works with rescue - if they don't rescue - they shouldn't breed!
    Good Luck
    • Puppy
    The first "Parson Jack Russell" should not have a "Terrier" on the end
    AND the correct way to spell Australia is Australia  NOT Austraila.....sorry - should have proof read.  Sorry about the typos!
    I was typing fast because I was afraid that my computer would time error me out! 
    And to Penngirl03 - I think that you dog is probably more Rat terrier than Jack.  The requirement for any "Jack" (this includes Parsons, Russell's etc) is that they be at least 51% white. 
    • Puppy
    Sorry for the typos - The first "Parson Jack Russell" should not have a "Terrier" with it and Australia is spelled Australia...NOT Austraila.
    I was afraid my computer would time error me out and I did not proof my post!
    And Penngirl03, I think that your dog is probably closer to a Rat Terrier than a Jack.  The standards for all Jacks (Parsons, Russells, etc) reads that they have to be at least 51% white.    I have never seen a Parson/Jack with even 51% body color and have been in the breed over 15 years.
    But if he makes you happy - then that is what matters most!
    • Silver
    I love JRT's - I've got one meself ;) Gotta love em.
    Here's my Pixie


    Puddins are the short legs. Parson Russells are longer legged and usually wire-haired. Jack Russell Terrier is more a generalized name for all of em.
    Actually there is a specific Jack breed that has no white - the Irish Black and Tan Jack Russell Terrier. Here's a couple ;pics I found on the net... (search em on google, you'll find lotsa pics...)

    • Puppy
    this is my JRT named "Lady",she's not related to anybody famous that I know of, but she's my little lady :)
    • Puppy
    I agree - That is a Rat Terrior not a Jack. 
    I have 2 Jackies!  I think they are addicting.  My Vet told me most Jack owners wind up with 2 and I think she is right because I know several other Jack owners and they all have two too.
    Mine are actually brothers (Same Mom & Dad).
    • Puppy
    My 2 lil' men

    • Gold Top Dog
    sammurphy - those are some CUTE pups! I love the black/white faces. Adorable! [:D][:D][:D]
    • Puppy
    I'm Gilbert's Alpha She.  He came to us by default last October.  I was intending to "home school" him, to make him a better fit in his first home with my Son, Daughter in law and their 4 young children.  He was having issues, mostly not getting enough attention.  His resolution was to just find something to put in the middle of the floor...that usually worked, as it was generally an article of clothing not intended for public view.  But it wasn't positive attention and he was getting more and more distant to his goal to be loved and respected.
    He flourished in our home with just 2 adults.  We learned quickly he was high maintenance though and with some well intentioned autonomy established, Cesar Milan style, (absolutely no harsh treatment was needed) we were able to get along nicely.  By December Gilbert had endeared himself to me especially.  And his previous home had adopted a 5 year old very mellow old lab. Much better suited to that environment.  The grandchildren gifted me with Gilbert, and I'll forever be grateful.  He is the best pet I've ever been owned by!!!  I call him my Nap Therapy Dog.  He is devoted to me, sticks to me like glue. 

    • Puppy

    The AKC calls thems Parsons Terriers, Jack Russell Terriers have their own registry, go to Terrier.Com for further information. You can not register your JRT with the AKC. We have our own shows etc.