THis is Heidi, we have had her since September and she always gets odd stares because she is such a unique looking dog.
She weighs about 40 pounds and her temperment is as follows:
Sweet as honey
Gentle...let me emphasize that: GENTLE
Calm mannered but can be quite active
Loves to sleep
Loves to take long walks but tires very quickly
Can predict both seizures and migraines
She is tolerant. Okay, that needs to be emphasized again. She is TOLERANT. She allows the kids to use her as a pillow, and has taken a bit of abuse from visiting toddlers. She answers rough behavior with a look that says, "God, I am in heaven at this house." and a lick to the face.
She is a tease to our other dog, but playful and loving.
Oh, and she is TOLERANT to our little terrier. Heidi will just sit and take multiple humpings and having her toys stolen, but when she is done, she is done. She will stare Sally down, put a paw forward, and that is the end of that.
She is smart enough to know commands, stubborn enough to make you think she doesn't
So, what do YOU think she is. I will post what the vet's guess is after a bit.