German Shorthair People

    • Gold Top Dog
    Marie,  That rocks!  Your fiance rocks!  You've got to give him credit for being open minded enough to make this work....and make you comfortable with this dog.  Remember that It takes time and patience.  When I got my setter, the breeder told me that I need to make rules for her and stick to them. 

    We feel that our e-fence is the best dog related investment we've made.  I would highly recommend it.  I do watch them, though, when they are outside off leash, Mainly because of other dogs and coyotes and such.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I have an 8.5 month old weim, not a GSP, but very similar.

    I agree with those saying brainwork/training is at least as important, if not more so!  I spend 30-60 min. a day training, more if the weather is bad and he can't go outside to play.  I train him in obedience and tricks.  I swear they love learning tricks and showing off for people, it's a great way to focus their energy.

    But you need to let this dog off leash to run.  is he friendly? Can you take him to a dogpark to run and play?  I spend an hour, at least walking him daily.  So, were up to about 2 hrs, but that's a minimum.  There are days I spend 3 hrs at the dog park, or out hiking, that helps make the 1 hrs walks/runs enough on the other days.

    I don't use weighted backpacks, I may use a backpack, but not as a weight/energy burner, but because carrying enough stuff for both of us is heavy for me!

    Anyway, training classes, crate training and hiking are the only reason having Logan works :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I missed page 2 when I replied!  ... i must need more coffee! :)

    I'm so glad that you're looking into doggie daycare! That's awesome, I bet it will help SO much! :) 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I dropped my girls off at doggie day care this morning.  The weather is horrible lately and they are getting really edgy at home. I do train at home, but doggie day care just covers the gamut.  If your dog is social enough to handle it, it is so worth it.

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    • Gold Top Dog

    LOL I was reading along and then realized this thread was a year old until Lani popped in. 

    The weather is horrible lately and they are getting really edgy at home. I do train at home, but doggie day care just covers the gamut.


    We are having our second rainy day in a row (very rare for here) and Bugsy is bouncing off the walls.  He got a good 3 mile walk yesterday in the rain but that just takes the edge off.  He is usually outside a couple of hours a day doing 'his' thing and when he doesn't get to do that the energy bottles up.  I was just thinking I wonder if its too late to drop him off at daycare somewhere. Stick out tongue 

    • Gold Top Dog

    OMG ((cracking up)) -- how on earth did I even find this, at a year old?  *RANDOM* hahahaha

    Man, I need to hook up Bugsy with Logan, he's got a battery that should it be harnessed could power a small city, together we could eliminate the need for fossil fuel :)


    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog


    OMG ((cracking up)) -- how on earth did I even find this, at a year old?  *RANDOM* hahahaha

    Man, I need to hook up Bugsy with Logan, he's got a battery that should it be harnessed could power a small city, together we could eliminate the need for fossil fuel :)


    How true!!

    Ok here's something you may also struggle with I just picked up the Ruffwear webmaster harness and the strap around the upper chest (under his arms) is nearly too small and the strap around his midsection is about 2x too big!  I love the features of it but do most dogs have a bigger midsection than chest?  Logan must be as difficult to fit.  What have you tried? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    My sister has a GSP and they have lots of land so he runs alot and gets his exercise... I wanted one at one time and she recommended not to until I have lots of time to play and give him a workout because they are hyper dogs... but dang they are so goodlooking!

    • Gold Top Dog

    BTMomma...just for you.

    Here is Morrison burning off some of his endless energy.  Logan, Bugsy and Morrison could provide enough energy to start weaning us off fossil fuels!

    P3300019.jpg picture by skimmelman

    He has to have a full out run like this for at least 45 min a day, along with walks and other forms of mental excercise.  Off leash running is an absolute requirement.

    • Gold Top Dog


    BTMomma...just for you.

    Here is Morrison burning off some of his endless energy.  Logan, Bugsy and Morrison could provide enough energy to start weaning us off fossil fuels!

    P3300019.jpg picture by skimmelman

    He has to have a full out run like this for at least 45 min a day, along with walks and other forms of mental excercise.  Off leash running is an absolute requirement.

    AWEEEEEE! Ok - i got my fix for the day!!! I can't get enough of your dogs! I am requesting you post some (LOTS) soon :) Just a beautiful breed...