
    • Gold Top Dog

     My papillon is mildly neurotic, but I think in general they're not typically "high strung." My little guy is just... special!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well, all of mine have been pretty hyperactive.  Okay, maybe VERY energetic is a better term.  They do calm down at times.  They're not high strung, I wouldn't say.  They're a very loving personality packaged with athleticism and intelligence.  I swear they're the smartest breed I've ever been around.

     Beau is a spazz though.  He could probably outlast many border collies.  He's 'special'.

     They're lively dogs, not a lap dog.  Very fun though.  They love to go and do things. 

     Here's a couple videos explaining what I mean.

    Harry (RIP) and Beau:¤t=P4070251.flv  (Turn off the volume- I squeak in there- sorry)

     Beau and Rose:¤t=P1010873.flv

    As you can see, theyre very fast.  This is how things go in my house almost all the time.

    But they do calm down, I swear!

    • Gold Top Dog

    ZB, I'm curious, did you decide on a breed yet?

    Laurelin, I wish I could meet your dogs. Rascal is a total hedonistic lap dog - if offered the choice between a romp outside or the chance to cuddle in bed with someone (as long as there are blankets and pillows involved) he'd leap into the bed without a second thought. Of course, when he does get going, he's like a furry little wind-up toy on speed.

    In addition to being disgustingly intelligent and super cute, papillons are also always good for a laugh. Stick out tongue  Whether it's pouncing on bugs or flinging himself onto the floor to scratch his ears, Rascal never fails to crack me up.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Lol, Beau would choose the tennis ball over ANYTHING.  His handler always commented about how he'd get too animated when they'd bring out a toy.  He lives for chasing that ball. 

     We've been working on it though.  I can now throw the ball without him automatically running after it.  He can keep a stay and wait until he's released before chasing.  (It's a big deal for him) 

     We have get togethers and all the paps are very lively, but Beau is always the most energetic....  kind of embarrasing, lol.  He's definitely high energy.  Rose is definitely a little tomboy.  (as long as it's not rianing) She loves going places.  Loves walks, loves running and jumping and playing.  We usually get in a good hour or two of fetch plus we walk them and they play all day with each other.  They get the zooms at least once a day.  Maybe my guys are just more active than usual, but they make my shelties look like complete couch potatoes. 

     As for them being a breed full of laughs... decide for yourself.  lol



    They're just so much fun!

    • Gold Top Dog


    Not really! My fiancee wants a dalmatian but we need to do a little more research on them before we make a decision. I have never had a dal or known anyone that did so we'll see! Any info on them?

    • Gold Top Dog

     I've heard they're very prone to health problems due to poor breeding. They apparently got super popular after Disney's 101 Dalmatians and a lot of careless breeders messed up the general genetic health of the breed. Make sure to do a LOT of research!

    Maybe more cute pictures will win you over to the papillon side.

    Here's lookin' at you...


    At least I still have my dignity!!!


    How could you resist a face like that? 


    • Gold Top Dog

    I repled to your question in the other thread.I must be the only one with a dalmatian.  I love her to death.but it's true.  Due to the movie, there are so many now in rescue groups.It's a shame--you have to know the breed and have a lot of patiance. They are very independant and spunky,but also very loyal,loving and so full of life.

    • Gold Top Dog

    My friend had three dalmatians.  The one thing I can say about all of them is they are pretty wild dogs, lol.  Very energetic.  One of her three is deaf, whcih I hear about a third of dalmatians are deaf, so I guess that fits? 

     But back to papillons.... ;)


    How can you say no?  ;)

    • Gold Top Dog

    You guys are funny! I love the pictures! We'll have to see. There is a sweet dalmatian that my fiancee has his eye on from a breeder. If I could I would get the dalmatian and a papilon but four dogs is just a little too much for me at the moment. Later on I would love to get more and add to the family!! I will keep you posted on what we'll be the first to know if it is a pap!