German Shepherd vs Doberman Pinscher

    • Gold Top Dog

    I like GSDs for the same reason.  Granted, it's very competitive in AKC even WITH a nice American line GSD, but with a moderate German show line or a nicer working line, you can easily get SG and V ratings, pretty easily Champion in UKC (honestly the hardest thing for me has been getting competition, not beating it. Most of the shows I've gone to people just don't show up and then you have no chance), and even doable to GRCH.  Most of the GRCH dogs I've seen at my recent shows have been working line GSDs.  With the right temperament, you can do Schutzhund, obedience, agility, dock diving, herding...or all of the above!

    I think the problem with GSDs is not that they are not as versatile, but that the AKC conformation ring is just not conducive to versatility.


    I told someone who had a bitch from Micheal Ellis that she could finish in AKC she got mad at me ;)



    I know very little about the situation with Belgians, I just didn't want people thinking they were betting off buying imported or unpapered dogs.  Even among working GSDs there is often this notion that importing from Europe is better, when many times it's not, or they are taking Americans for a ride and sending over their unwanted dogs.  If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. 

    • Gold Top Dog


    I like GSDs for the same reason.  Granted, it's very competitive in AKC even WITH a nice American line GSD, but with a moderate German show line or a nicer working line, you can easily get SG and V ratings, pretty easily Champion in UKC (honestly the hardest thing for me has been getting competition, not beating it. Most of the shows I've gone to people just don't show up and then you have no chance), and even doable to GRCH.  Most of the GRCH dogs I've seen at my recent shows have been working line GSDs.  With the right temperament, you can do Schutzhund, obedience, agility, dock diving, herding...or all of the above!

      I have always been more involved with AKC stuff than other venues though. I only became involved with UKC because of the Belgians and the European judging procedures used for them in UKC. It's actually extremely hard to finish a Belgian in UKC and even harder to get a GrCh on one.So far I've not been able to finish a Belgian in UKC, even my AKC CHs, even my bitch who was RWB at the AKC National. There are only a handful of UKC shows that offer Belgians and the judging tends to heavily favor a certain type of dog.

      I love a good GSD. Certainly there is nothing that Jora would have been incapable of as a young dog - except finishing in AKC of course ;). In some ways I like the GSD temperament better than Belgians, in other ways I like the Belgians better. Not being able to do AKC conformation wouldn't stop me from wanting another GSD (the tendency towards same sex aggression may though) but since I don't do SchH, I'm not sure I'd get involved with breeding GSDs.

    I think the problem with GSDs is not that they are not as versatile, but that the AKC conformation ring is just not conducive to versatility.

     ITA - it isn't that the German dogs lack quality, it's that GSDs are one of those breeds where you need a dog that looks like X to be able to compete in AKC conformation. I think that is too bad but it tends to be that way with many of the higher number breeds in AKC.

    I know very little about the situation with Belgians, I just didn't want people thinking they were betting off buying imported or unpapered dogs.  Even among working GSDs there is often this notion that importing from Europe is better, when many times it's not, or they are taking Americans for a ride and sending over their unwanted dogs.  If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. 


     That's actually an issue with all Belgians as importing/European lines are pretty common with all sorts of Belgian breeders (show, working, performance). Some people seem to think European or import automatically means quality. There are certainly some quality imports here but there are also imports who don't turn out as planned. And when you're looking at puppies, it's a gamble no matter where they come from as to if they will meet their potential or not. You do your homework, choose wisely and hope for the best.